Sunday, February 20, 2011

Going Green and Scentsy Giveaway Winner!

For all of you who don't know, it is very hard to go green with a large family.

But I had always kept an open mind about it and then one day a little package was sent to me to try these out:

These are Wool Dryer Balls from The Willow Store, they work like dryer sheets, just pop two or three in and they help keep your clothes soft without the use of chemicals and reduce the drying time by up to half. They are easy, economical and convenient and can just stay in the dryer to be reused and can last for years.  A great going 'green' alternative for all of you who are into that kind of thing! (Not to mention the fact that my boys loved them since they are in charge of dryer duty and had a blast throwing them all around before they put the next load in! ;)) They also sell all kinds of natural products from diapers to laundry detergent so be sure to check them out!

And now for the winner of the cute Lenny the Lamb with scentpak from the Scentsy giveaway last week is.....

Kristen frommytinykitchen@

A BIG THANK YOU to all who entered! If you didn't win this time you will have another chance next week--so see you then!


Don't miss any future giveaways or encouragement in your walk
we would love to have you for the journey!


Far Above Rubies said...

Congratulations, Kristen.

Christa said...

I've often wondered exactly HOW those dryer balls work. I may have to get my hands on some! :)

Kristen said...

Thanks again - I'm so excited to win!

Darlene said...

You have me intrigued with the possibility! Could you please comment on your experience with the dryer balls: specifically, do they also prevent "static cling" as well as provide softness?

Darlene said...

One more question, can you hear the balls "bouncing" around in the dryer at all?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Darlene,

No static cling that I've noticed, and as for noise I haven't heard anything--they are very light in weight. Of course, my dryer is downstairs in the basement in a back room so not completely sure and we do huge loads so we probably wouldn't hear anything anyways!

Many blessings...


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