Friday, January 3, 2025

The Beauty of Self Control

We all struggle with self control on many different levels, many especially with anger.

JR Miller had some thoughts on this:

"There are men who rule other men and cannot rule themselves.

They are victorious in battle, but they cannot control their own temper, restrain their own speech, or hold in calm quiet their own spirits.

There is nothing beautiful in such a life. Nothing more effectually mars a life than fretfulness, discontent, worry, impatience. Nothing is more pitiful than a life made to be strong, kingly, noble, calm, peaceful, but which is, instead, the play of every excitement, every temper, every resentment, every appetite and passion.

Someone says, “Alexander conquered all the world, except — Alexander.”

Not only is self control strong — it is also beautiful.

Anger is not beautiful. Ungoverned temper is not lovely.

 Rage is demonic.

But a spirit calm, strong, and unflustered, 

amid storms of feeling and all manner of disturbing emotions,

is sublime in its beauty.

“A temper under control,

a heart subdued into tenderness and patience,

a voice cheerful with hope, and a countenance bright with kindness,

are invaluable possessions to any man or woman.”

-JR Miller, The Beauty of Self-Control


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Mrs. P. said...

My anger is something that the Lord has really been calling to my attention and convicting me of lately. I will be bookmarking this post because Good has seen fit to use it to convict me all the more.

Becky said...

Great reminder.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes,

I think J.R. Miller describes the unpleasant affects of anger quite well. Thank you for reminding us ladies to control our angery moments.

-Lady Rose

Stacy @Delighting in the Days said...

I read an interesting article on self-control recently. In it, the author spoke about thinking of self-control as a muscle. As something that builds in strength as we use it. Having self-control consistently in little things can help us develop those muscles to have self-control in more difficult circumstances.

That illustration helped my 9 year old a lot!

Marie said...

This is a wonderful reminder about controlling my very Irish temper! I try very hard to exercise patience and to temper my "temper" :-)

I'm a new follower also!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Stacy,

So true, I read that somewhere else as well--it was a book by Lou Priolo called The Heart of Anger. Thanks for sharing!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Welcome to Wise Woman! So glad you are following, I hope you feel comfortable here and enjoy the journey with us!

Many blessings...

Jessica said...

Thank you for this encouragement. Your blog has been on more than one ocasssion a blessing to me.
Lord Jesus bless you,

Rei Khalo said...

Sometimes when i feel so out of control of many things in my life. I feel empowered by gods gift of grace and self control of my actions. There is something beautiful about being-able to smooth the rage and preserve my composure. What a wonderful ability that god has granted us.

Dianne said...

What a great piece. It really helps me to have a vision of better things.

Far Above Rubies said...

Lovely. Thank you, June.

Rose said...

Very lovely post...and so true!

Your blog is a wonderful encouragement :)

Lilly said...

Thank you so much! God Bless!

Alicia Grace said...

Well, this is the third blog that I have read today broaching this subject... is the Lord trying to get through to me or what?? Thanks for speaking truth.


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