Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding Forgiveness For My Abortion

Have you ever had an abortion and needed forgiveness for it?

Our friends, Terry and Lynn Fortune, were featured at Focus on the Family today and shared their abortion story with the world--

PLEASE listen to them here:

Finding Forgiveness for My Abortion

You won't regret it!

Here is a link to their site, if you would like to learn more about

 -Thank you for sharing, Rhonda!



Mrs. Stam said...

Thanks for the link (I know someone that will enjoy listening to it) Praise God for his forgiveness!

Ps how is your son doing???

Grace said...

I heard then on the radio today. What a beautiful story! Praising the Lord for such wonderufl witnesses.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the link. It brought me to tears. I found out a few years ago (in my mid-twenties) that my own mama had an abortion when she was a teenager. I love my mama. And I know she has found forgiveness in the Lord. We know in our hearts it was a boy. I look forward to meeting my brother some day.

Jessica said...

I just listened to them on Focus on the Family. I'm holding back tears as I write this. My husband and I just found out we're expecting our 1st child four days ago. I can only begin to imagine what it would be like to have no support from your husband and family members. I'm so glad that they both found the Lord and for the healing Lynn received. It's a good reminder of how important it is to reach out to pregnant women. It's also a powerful reminder for not passing judgement on those that sin. My city has a pregnancy crisis center which offers support to women that don't have support during pregnancy. My hope is that fewer women will feel afraid with receiving the support they need, and receive the support Lynn did not receive.

Shannon said...

I heard that story yesterday. Wow! They have 8? children now??? Praise God! He is so merciful. They are so blessed.

Becky Holmes said...

I love that you posted this link!! Focus on the Family is a great orgnaization. I've volunteered at a crisis pregnancy center for years and lead the post-abortion bible study, Forgiven and Set Free. It is amazing to see the healing that the Lord brings!!

Steph. :) said...

I just want to add: I have a close relative that had an abortion during her college years and she has never been the same. It damaged her a great deal. :(

Kristy said...

Oh wow ! Well you hit on something that I have dealt with. I went through so much after being raped and then finding out I was pregnant. My husband and family said get an abortion. I was in shock. My family were strong christians. I went along with it feeling there was nothing else I could do. I lived with so much pain and regret. Until I opened up to my Auntie. She seGt me on a track to healing and recovery. Now I too speak out against abortion and what all comes with it. God forgave me of course. Now I have named my child, Jessika Rose and her name is now on a wall for the unborn. I felt all along she was a girl. Now she is honored. Still I have regret but not beating myself up over and over again. Thank you for this post and link !!

Anonymous said...

I know that God forgives all things and is a merciful God. I am a sinner and by his grace I am saved. I still find it unimagineable to abort your own baby. I was pregnant at 16 and kept my baby. Today she is a beautiful and brilliant 11 year old angel. I can't imagine my life without her. It hasn't always been easy, and yes I struggled along the way, but there was not ever one second that I wasn't greatful and humbled by this beautiful girl that God entrusted me with.

Suzanne said...

What a testimony to God's faithfulness! Abortion is so devastating, I have a close family member who still is haunted by hers, she is not a Christian
(yet;-), but I continually pray she will find God in all her hurt and heal.

WiffsWife said...

Thank you for this much needed link in my life today! <3

Jacqueline said...

Thank you for the link to the Focus On the Family story. We too have had to deal with the consequences of abortion as we were not saved at the time. Once Christ got a hold of my heart, it allowed me to 'see' my sin, my need, and that Christ paid for it all! How we could walk in judgment of others, but God has used it in my life to help me to extend mercy and grace, not only to those who've experienced abortion, but that don't fit my idea of lifestyle. What freedom it brings to
life! I pray many will see His forgiveness from this program. This song show how!
May His grace abound,

Jenelle said...

All I am going to say is "thank you" this was confirmation to me on many different levels that I can't describe. Thank you!!! God is truly good! He sends confirmation through people when you don't expect it.


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