Friday, October 15, 2010

Every Good and Perfect Gift

Isn't he just adorable?!

The Simple Stencil offers beautiful stencils like the one pictured above and has many more inspirational quotes and Bible verses for every, and I mean EVERY room of your home to choose from! Go ahead and take a peek.

Not only that but The Simple Stencil  offers custom-made Bible verses that are so fun to create that you can make right on their site using your wall colors and all-- so pick your favorite verse and visit The Simple Stencil for a beautiful gift and a wonderful way to decorate your home!


 -Would you like to see your product or company advertised on A Wise Woman Builds Her Home? Then click here for more information or contact me at


Mrs. Mandy said...

Your blog is such an encouragement to me as I struggle in this human existence separated from my Father. I want to encourage you and so have awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award.
Mrs. Mandy

viviene said...

this cute little boy is totally adorable! =D


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