Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Woman's Special Domain

The Kitchen: A Woman's Special Domain

While the home is a woman's greatest sphere of influence, the kitchen is her special area of dominion. It's here she specializes in hospitality, homemaker, and chef. This is the place that makes home a home with laughter around the table, little hands shaping cookie dough, and the floating aroma of freshly baked apple pies on a Saturday morning. Home just wouldn't be home without entering to see mother busy in the kitchen. Not only is this place the heart of her touch, but is her area of influence where she serves others her best.

The kitchen is a woman's ministry and where a keeper at home spends much of her time. While cooking for a husband and children might seem inglorious to some, this is a way a wife serves. It is most selfless when she rises before the rest to cook breakfast or bakes through the evening when she's exhausted from the day's work. And who doesn't appreciate when she thinks of the ones she loves and surprises them with a tasty treat? As she makes sure her family is well-fed (and on time!) she is serving them in a loving, and practical way.

With the joy of cooking and baking comes also the challenge of creating dishes that are both nutritious and savory. Being a wise steward of her money and taking care of God's temple is a challenge but possible with much effort. A wise woman will take on this task to ensure that her family is healthy and her husband's money goes a long way. As she fills her cabinets with her nutritious finds (Prov. 31:14), it is yet another way she serves her family and ministers for her Lord. Frugality in the kitchen is an art and a priceless asset to the home and family.

The kitchen is also a woman's headquarters for ministry and reaching out to other people around her. Whether it's a loaf of homemade bread to a hurting friend, a family over for dinner, a meal for a new mother, or counseling over a cup of tea---there's so much a woman can do for the glory of God in this corner of her home. The place where meals are made, hospitality thrives, and guest are able to feel at home. Whoever enters her doors, a woman has a glorious opportunity to encourage, disciple, counsel, and evangelize in the midst of her home and kitchen. This is one of her best areas of service and if she understands this, there's much she can do to touch other's lives.

Finally, the kitchen can be a center of family fellowship. Being not only the place where a woman creates and serves, the kitchen is also a daily meeting spot where she can enjoy her family and connect in a special way. The family table is the heart of fellowship, discussion, catching-up, camaraderie, family devotions, and friendship. At this one spot the family can daily unite and enjoy each other's presence and Mom's wonderful meals. But sharing memories is not just limited to the table; Preparing a meal with the children, conversations over cleaning dishes, or baking cookies with tiny tots are also times to share and bond and are special parts of family fellowship.

Whether she realizes it or not, a woman has a wonderful area of ministry in front of her. A woman of wisdom will look past the "seemingly simplicity" of her kitchen and will embrace the opportunities that are to be discovered. She will enjoy her femininity and the area that God gave her to serve others and will use it for the glory of God.

Because whether she is preparing a meal or sweeping the floor,
she's ultimately serving Him
and to a woman who fears the Lord (Prov. 31:30)
that's what truly matters.

--By Miss Brooke at Overflowing Thoughts

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Sharon said...

This post is so good. I really needed to read it. Sometimes I get so tired of being in the kitchen so much and there are only the two for us. This has given me a whole new perspective.
God Bless you! Sharon

Sarah said...

June, I love your blog. It is so inspiring to me. I don't have a Titus 2 woman in my life, so I look to blogs like yours to gain insight, wisdom, and inspiration in creating a more godly home for my family.

As a homemaker and mom, I strive to better myself in as many ways as possible, and I loved this post. Do it all as unto Him, not unto men. :) It's what we're called to do, whether baking bread or swishing out toilets.

Something I wanted to ask you was how do you deal with anti-Christian, anti-homemaking etc, attacks? I have athiest anti-Christian family members who literally loathe and hate me b/c I stand for you just pray, or do you ever confront them if you find they've been slandering you online?

In Him,

Traylor Branch Farm said...

Sarah, will be praying for you! In Matt. 5:44 Christ tells us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us and do good to those who hate and use us. It's hard enough coming from someone who isn't related, but I can't imagine coming from someone whose supposed to be family! We're told to forgive seventy times seven, and how a kind word heaps coals on the head. Peersonally, my nemesis I avoid at all cost. On the days I break down, I rant and rave to my husband, but never to anyone else. The thing that keeps me from utter despair is the pity that I am sometimes able to feel for her, through Christ's example. Good luck, and God grant you the grace and wisdom to deal with these attacks.

Fight the good fight!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Sara,

Don't lose heart and be encouraged. Jesus was persecuted and know that we will be also. He cried out to the Lord in prayer and asked God to forgive them. We should do likewise.

I don't fully know your situation in regards to the slander online, so it is hard for me to give advice. If you'd like share more feel free to comment and leave your email so I can contact you privately (your email will not get posted).

How do I deal with attacks? If they come in a form of a comment, I just hit delete. If in person (and that has hardly ever happened) then I just try to pray and answer graciously, sharing the word of Truth with them knowing that is what will change lives.

Many blessings...

Sharon Cohen said...

I wasn't raised with religion and all social gatherings in our home were around the bar. My sister and I were the servers - to be seen and not heard.

I appreciate your words about kitchen ministry. It has given me cause to pause and ponder.

Unknown said...

Love your posts and look forward to them always...Would like to know where you get the pictures from? Is there a website that has such lovely pictures that evoke such emotions as the words you write? I would love to know where the pictures come from. Thanks again, keep up the good work!

Erica said...

I just found your blog, my sweet friend linked to you and I'm so thankful for your encouragement, this is a great post. I'm off to read more. :)

Carms said...

I wanted to thank you so much for this post. We are in the early stages of building a home and after reading this I went back to the builder and had them take out part of a wall (losing some cabinets but that is ok) and making the kitchen even more open. There will now be an arch from the kitchen into the formal dining room instead of a wall that we walk around. The breakfast nook and family room is already open to the kitchen. This new floor plan will allow me to stand in my kitchen and see the formal living, dining, breakfast nook and family room.
I can easily spend hours a day in my kitchen and this will make everyone seem closer to me.
Thank you.

amulhereapalavra said...

Hello Mrs. June Fuentes was a real pleasure to meet your blog. I'm already there are three hours between reading their posts or go and visit your beautiful daughter and friends - all very edifying. Congratulations! It is my prayer that our God continue to bless your work, Christian life and family. I, hence the Amazon jungle, Brazil, "keep contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 1:3. A hug from sister in Christ, Gloria.

MFEO2009 said...

This post was beautiful. I enjoy baking and cooking. Not because it is something that I am great at or because it is a hobby/passion. I love it, because it is just another way for me to show my family how much they mean to me. A mother's job is to nourish the mind, heart, soul & body! Spending time in the kitchen preparing meals and snacks is just another way to show my family how much I love them.

Donalacasa said...

I didn't realize how old this post was. The wisdom in it is eternal. Thank you for such a beautiful post.



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