As we embark upon a new year we must make every opportunity to keep the year's desires fresh in front of us. One of my desires is to have a peaceful, quiet place of rest in my home and especially in my spirit. Mothers today find that such a challenge since the whole world sometimes feels like its beating down our doors. New technology, busy schedules and the like creep into our lives and somehow have a way of stealing away the quietness of our souls. If we examine the deep recesses of our hearts what would we find? When was the last time we even had time to visit the deep recesses of our hearts?
Mothers of the past have had the great honor of keeping the world at bay by creating a magnificently glorious haven within the home. It was a fortress of refuge, a place of solitude, a holy shelter of rest against a perverse world that would be happy to consume her beloved family members. Her spirit lives among us today among mothers possessing gentle and quiet resolve, her determined love making a difference in every life she touches. These noble mothers found great satisfaction creatively weaving homes that embraced, encouraged and rejuvenated their loved ones at the end of the day.
But today's mother unfortunately struggles immensely just understanding who they are and just what motherhood is because through the course of history the lines have been subtly and deceptively blurred:
"Women sigh for fame.
They would be sculptors, and chisel out of the cold stone forms of beauty to fill the world with admiration of their skill.
Or they would be poets, to write songs to thrill a nation and to be sung around the world.
But is any work in marble
so great as her who has an immortal life
laid in her hands
to shape for its destiny?"
-JR Miller
Women today need to be taught the true meaning and behold the vision of what biblical motherhood stands for. There is nothing more breathtakingly beautiful than a mother that truly loves the Lord, passionately embraces her family and home and understands her noble and blessed purpose on earth.
This mother does not allow the world to steal away from her what she has been uniquely made for and she rejects the worlds misleading definition of what motherhood looks like....high power career, colossal home, newest car, perfect children. The infamous misleading notion of being able to have it all.
Never divulging the high price it comes at.
And truth be told, she already has it all.
And the wise mother knows it,
whether she is young or old
rich or poor,
her heart
"high power career, colossal home, newest car, perfect children. The infamous misleading notion of being able to have it all." These were all things I was taught I was supposed to have as a mother. My rejection of those ideals in favor of the virtuous ones you mentioned have caused me to be ostracized by my relatives. But I choose the righteous calling over the fleeting false security that those material comforts give. Thank you for sharing!
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I gave up my singing career years ago to stay at home and raise my children. I prayed and began making our home a sacred place. It has been so very rewarding. I had no idea when I began just what a blessing it would be to my husband and my daughters as well as myself but it has been--so very much.
Sadly I am not a mother but over the years I have tried to build a peaceful, quiet and restful home. For me it will be a lifetimes work as we both tend to be quite forthright and my husband will sometimes speak without thinking what he is about to say. I find this hard at times as I get hurt easily. I did like your post today and it makes me feel as if I must keep making that extra effort. Thankyou for the opportunity to make a comment.
Blessings Gail
Thank you for reminding me about my decision to be a stay at home mom. This post was something I needed to read today!
Great post! Your blog is always so lovely.
Thank You!
Love it, thank you
A very good post, Mrs. Fuentes. My question is what if your family has let the world in because the children attend public school per their Father's request? What if the children think that you are too old-fashioned and a fuddy duddy because you want to keep the home pure and a haven for them but they don't think that's cool enough and choose to spend most of their time away from the home?
Thanks, I needed to read that this morning. God's blessings on your day!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Mrs. Feuntes ~
Thank you so much for the much-needed encouragement today!
I have been wrestling lately - not with the world "beating down our doors" but with the church.
It is also my desire "to have a peaceful, quiet place of rest in my home and especially in my spirit". In this season of life, it is my heart to serve, in my home, with all of my time and energy.
But then there is the ever-mounting push to "serve the Lord", in the church - more and more sermons being preached - that if you aren't serving in the church, you "just don't have a servant's heart" and are an "immature Christian". We're to serve the Lord tirelessly...
We just keep getting busier and busier in the name of "serving the Lord" - the exact opposite of having a peaceful, quiet place of rest in our home. What's the balance?
I wrestle with thinking that serving in the church is for another season of life...
I guess I'm looking to be let off the hook from serving in the church because I'm desiring to "serve the Lord" within the four walls of my home. I feel like my husband and my children should be my ONLY ministry during this season of life. And it's such a short season!
I desire that the Lord be pleased. Any insight?
I also struggle with exactly the same issues. It's a difficult one, especially if you're in a small church and there are very few people to do all the different jobs that need doing. I was given a verse for this year Psalm 143 v 10 and I have decided to seek God in everything, asking Him to show me what I should and shouldn't be doing outside the home.
Sorry, meant to say, it was a very thought provoking and inspiring post, thanks.
Thank you, June. Amen!!!
Thank you! What a wondeful post. I am so sorry Farrah that you are going through this. I will pray you recive some answers.
Amazing, inspiring post - thank you! I've just started the J R Miller book, it was a gift for Christmas :)
(and so timely for me.)
I just got the book the Family and look forward to reading it.
Thank you for this encouragement. It is very easy to have a day by day attitude rather than an eternal perspective on the work we do.
I have prayed for you.
Wow, came by after you were refer to by warm cup of coffee. Is it not amazing how God places the right words on our hearts when we need to read them. I needed this!
HI THERE..I'm new to this blog, I really love how it's full of the kind of images that I love so much! I'm a mother of 8 and a grandmother of 20 and now a great grand mother of 1...I believe in motherhood with all my heart and soul. I will follow this blog and I hope you will come say hi too! :D
Just what I needed today - He knows. Thank you and God bless.
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