Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lowly Gentleness

The gentle and quiet spirit described in 1 Peter is something God puts a high value on. It is a spirit that is at peace, is resting in God, is calm.

What causes a woman to lose her gentle spirit?

Many things can interfere with gentleness. But if a woman is not gentle, she may be (or probably is) frazzled, harried, anxious, distracted, bitter, or nagging. A gentle wife is like a tame animal, easily approached, not jumpy or skittish, like an animal in the wild. 

When her husband comes to her, he is received with affection and finds nourishment and comfort. Her children also can expect to be received with gladness. But if the family has to walk on eggs around Mom, she most likely does not have the gentleness described here. 

If she is unpredictable, touchy, easily irritated, accusative, or fussy, she does not have a gentle spirit. Lowliness and gentleness go together, so the way to gentleness is to be humble. Jesus is lowly in heart and we find rest for our souls in Him. Husbands and children should be able to find rest for their souls (in a limited way of course) in wife/mom.

And the only way for wives/mothers to be this kind of resource
is to be filled themselves
with the gentleness
of Christ.

-Nancy Wilson @ Femina



Lauri said...

Wow, I needed to read this. It really touched a soft spot in my heart. I definely need to have God's spirit in me more & I definely need to have more gentleness in me. Thank you.

Michelle said...

Beautifully said!

Anonymous said...

Very good. This is something I long for.
Going to read the whole article...thank you :)

Marmee's Pantry said...

A friend of mine once said something that I have kept written in my Daytimer ever since I heard it: "My humbleness will get me further than my pride." I needed it then & I've needed to be reminded nearly everyday since.

Thanks for your reminder, too.

Blessings from Ohio...Kim W<><

Julie Harward said...


The Watts Family said...

Beautiful post so encouraging ~Thanks you for sharing ~Blessings Heather :)

Debbie T said...

Wow. Speechless. How I want to embrace it to please the Lord, and how my nature fights it so hard too often... Thank you for speaking the Word of the Lord.

Debbie T said...

Oh this speaks to my soul in a convicting and inviting way. I pray for a gentle and quiet spirit and struggle to surrender to His hand. I am so blessed by your message on this blog and in this post. Thank you for living out Titus 2.

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this. I really needed to hear it. I think we as women get so busy that we have to be reminded from time to time to seek Him first in all things. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings.

Teena said...

This really convicted my heart. Thank you so much.... I really need to be more gentle....

God continues to humble me....


Mrs. B said...

Thank you! This is a reminder of my word for 2010: peace...that peace that passes understanding. I am learning that without that, I can not have the quiet nature that you describe here. Thank you, again, for the gentleness of your reminder!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post; It is important that we as women remain approachable for our family and community. If our spouses or children cannot turn to us, whom will they turn to when they are in need?
I am new to blogging and I have enjoyed your blog very much, thank you.
Take Care
Sherri Ann

Tereza Crump said...

oh, Lord, give me a gentle and quiet spirit.

gail said...

This is so true.
Blessings Gail

Domestic Goddess said...

I needed this too. I long for a gentle, quiet spirit. I tend to allow outside influences to make me crazy. When I feel that happen I have to seperate myself and get myself centered again. Jesus and I have had very long talks in the bathroom!

Laura {{* *}} said...

...for this,
I pray.

{{* *}}

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! I needed to read this today, as I know that I don't always possess a "gentle and quiet spirit," but I am working on it (with the Lord's help, of course). Thank you for this beautiful reminder for all women!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh my, I am spellbound by your Blog, its soooooooo beautiful.
God Bless you.
Crystal Lindsey.

Joanne said...

This is very true. I find too that when we get irritated, usually (always?) the root is selfishness. We must be self-denying.

Thank you for posting this.

In Christ,
Joanne in MO

Michelle said...

I probably have 40 blogs that I follow...and your's is at the top of my list as one of my favorites.

Thank you for passing this on.


God's Girl said...

I love this post about gentleness! Thank you for sharing! It was a timely word for me. : )

I'll be back to visit again soon.


Chantel said...

oh Lord, please create in me a clean heart o God, and renew in me a right spirit. this is my earnest prayer after reading this. This needs ti be stuck to my computer screen for me to see everyday- a reminder to be gentle ans meek


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