Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Voice of the Enemy

Life can get really busy for mothers, especially around the holiday season. Mothers need to be reminded to slow down and enjoy life around them without getting too caught up with the frenzy of shopping, decorating our homes beautifully, making the season perfect and not forget the things that truly matter.

This is a great reminder for us all through the year:

Each moment I have with these children.
Each moment I have to honor and submit to my husband.
Each moment I am given to love and serve another.
Each moment I pray or sing or praise.

Do I realize that each and every moment in time is ripe and full with eternal destiny? Am I going to continue on with my frenetic pace or am I going to slow down, be aware of the moments?
Is it worth speeding through the moments of life just to get one more thing accomplished?

I’m tired of missing out on the awareness of the eternal destiny in these moments, because there is so much to do.

Whose voice am I listening to when I hear, ‘accomplish more, be better, get more?’ Go, go, go!? Have I bought into the American lie of ‘you can have it all?'
I wonder at what cost?
What does it cost me to have it all?
Does it possibly cost me my health, my children, relationships, the eternal destiny of each moment?

Does Jesus drive and push me to do more?
Or is that the voice of the enemy?
Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry.
He walked everywhere He went.
He wasn’t too busy for ‘interruptions’ like people needing healing or teaching.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters . . .
In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved in quietness and trusting confidence shall be your strength . . .
Come to Me all you who are weary, I will cause you to rest.

No, I don’t believe Jesus is behind this crazy pace. Am I willing to listen to the Voice of my Good Shepherd instead of the voice in my head, or the the voice of our culture?

Lord Jesus, I don’t want to accomplish so much that I miss the ‘eternal destiny’ in each moment. I really don’t know how to slow down. I don’t know what to just let go of. So Jesus, teach me, lead me, cause me to rest. Open my eyes to the eternal destiny in each and every moment.

-This article is entitled 'Each Moment Is Ripe With Eternal Destiny'
by Michelle @ She Looketh Well
and was also featured At The Well...In Pursuit of Titus 2.
A special thank you for sharing!
(emphasis mine)


Father's Grace Ministries said...

Thankyou for this, June. God has been speaking to me the last few months about living moment by moment, and not stressing and going at a frenetic pace. I'm not there yet- I don't handle interruptions well, but by God's grace I will get there!
I'm looking forward to slowing down over Christmas. Your article gently ministered God's grace to my heart, as I'm preparing to start my day.

dtbrents said...

I enjoyed your post. Your blog is lovely. We should always have time for our children. Doylene

Anonymous said...

June, This was a wonderful post. Thank You so much. I am going to link it some of my friends. I pray that we can all learn to slow down and find those eternal moments where Jesus is trying to speak to us about ourselves and our lives.

(-: Brook

Lady Butterfly said...

This blog and all that it stands for is absolutely beautiful. It finds me at a time in life when I sincerely need it. I have recently been blessed with our third daughter, Trinity. She was truly a miracle as well as a surprise. The whole experience has made me realized that my life is totally controlled by God. I pray to become the wife and mother that God wants me to be one day. I am so glad that I found your blog. My dream of walking a true virtuous life is really a tangible reality. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I will follow you closely as I continue to follow the voice of the Lord! :)

Sherrin said...

This has been a blessing to me. I've just read it for the second time. Thanks for sharing!


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