Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maidens of Virtue Christmas Tea 2009

This weekend my daughters and I were very pleased to attend a memorable Maidens of Virtue Christmas Tea. Mothers, daughters and grandmothers alike joined together to hear Mary Miller, mother of the Eden String Quartet, teach about what she had learned about raising her daughters. It was a sweet sight to see three generations taking part in the festivities. Above is one of the many tables set up beautifully adorned with miniature Christmas trees and handcrafted ornaments displayed as keepsakes for the guests.

The beautiful home of the hostess--last year Stacy McDonald was the speaker and there were over 100 in attendance in spite of a bad ice storm. While us ladies were attending the tea, my husband and sons were at a nearby church meeting with the Men of Valor group. They enjoyed a pancake breakfast and listening to Chris Miller (father of the Eden String Quartet) encouraging dads to raise godly sons and not 'molly-coddled pansified-boys' among many other things. I love that--definitely what we need to hear in this day and age!


Sandy Grutzius, of Christian Heritage Church, warmly welcomed the ladies.


Mary Miller shared with us her wisdom and warnings of her experiences as a mother and wife. I was very encouraged by her humility and honesty. She did not want anyone going away feeling discouraged and she did her best to encourage us mothers to do our best raising our families.

Janai and Therese Miller


Ladies enjoying fellowship

Me and the little maiden-Anika

Isn't she soooo cute?


Little cousin maidens learning to be feminine Virginia, Joy and Lena


Mothers of the Maidens


Older maidens were encouraged to have strong authentic walks with the Lord, to follow their parents guidance and learn domestic skills. I think it is so important to pour our lives into doing our best to raise godly daughters for the Lord and a tea such as this is a wonderful time to celebrate womanhood and femininity with them. Wouldn't you agree? 

 Hope you enjoyed our pictures of the Maidens of Virtue Christmas Tea!


Rachel and Family said...

What a beautiful experience! Just looking at your pictures and reading made me wish I could've gone. I am raising 3 daughters (and 2 sons) so far. My how I need the Lord to guide me! Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

Titus2Mom said...

Wonderful photos! We LOVE the ESQ. BTW do they have a blog you could send me to?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, they have a blog you could check out here:


Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

so awesome...wish I could have been there! Thanks for sharing..



Deanna said...

Thank you for sharing the pics of the Maidens of Virtue Christmas Tea 2009. What a terrific event to have been a part of. This looks delightful! Sweet memories were made.

You have a lovely family!!!

Merry Christmas!
d from homehaven

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

Oh how I wish there were events such as this in the region where I live and more families like the Millers. The ESQ DVD is one of my best ever purchases! - you do not need to be 'musically inclined' to be inspired. I have gained so much wisdom and insight for raising a Godly family from the Millers.
BTW one of my twin maidens is named Annika pronounced with a short i. I came across it in the beautiful children's illustrated Christmas story about a Swedish family 'Annika's Secret Wish' by Beverley Lewis. People always comment on her 'beautiful name' and ask what it means.

Mrs. M :o) said...

June, you wrote about this so wonderfully! Would it be alright if I linked my blog readers over to yours? I have pictures there but I did not write. I SO enjoyed visiting with you and my daughters with your girls---our conversations together are so encouraging to us. :o)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Hello Gail---please do!!!! :)

It was so great seeing your family again too and getting a chance to meet your mother. Hopefully we'll see you at the next meeting!

Keep in touch and many blessings...

Pauline said...

Seems like you all had a lovely time. I wonder if I can get my Pastor's wife to organise something similar :o)

God bless you.

Miss Janet said...

Beautiful! Just beautiful!


Homemaker Highlights said...

Wonderful post:)

Nutmeg said...

It looks as if you had a lovely time. I'm anxious to watch the Franklin Springs movie about the ESQ. They appear to be a wonderful godly family.
Many blessings,

The Watts Family said...

Looks like a wonderful time of encouragement enjoyed the pictures ~Merry Christmas ~Blessings Heather :D

Far Above Rubies said...

June, looks so beautiful. I would love to be able to attend one with my girls one day.

It is very encouraging to be in fellowship with other women who are like-minded.

Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. June,

What lovely pictures! My favorite picture was the one of you and your daughter. Yes, your daughter is a cutie, but she also has a very pretty mother. :)

Anyway, thank you for sharing. I wish I could have been there!

P.S. BTW, how are you sons doing (the ones that were sick during Thanksgiving)? I hope they are feeling better now.

Michelle (She Looketh Well) said...

Wow! What a privilige to attend such an event. What a wonderful example you are to us and your daughters. I have much room to grow, by His Grace.

Thank you for the inspiration!

In Him

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Lady Sofia,

That was not my daughter, but a friends daughter! My daughters are Janai, Naomi, and Joy who are also pictured.

Yes, everyone is doing much better, thanks for asking! Just a few are trying to get over coughs but I'll be happy to take that any day over being hospitalized! :)

Many blessings...

Mrs. U said...

Mrs. Fuentes,
What a BLESSING to see something like this happening!! How encouraging!!! I would have loved to have been in attendance with my daughter!!!!

If it isn't too much trouble, would you share more of the details? I'd love to organize something like this in the future in our area. Lovely, feminine, biblical encouragement! WONDERFUL!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blog! Thank you so much for sharing. You encourage me every time I read your blog!

Stephanie M. Page said...

Oh, I love everything about this!

Sharon said...

What a wonderful experience. Going to my daughters tomorrow for a bible study and a tea that I am helping out with.
Thanks for sharing. God bless, Sharon

Rachael Ross Newman said...

Hello! I am a new follower to your blog. My husband and I are expecting our first child in March (a girl!). We would both love for me to stay home with her. It doesn't seem to work out financially on paper. COuld you offer any advice?

Mary said...

Oh, you look really nice. I wish there were events like that where I live.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Rachael Newman,

It has been shown that women working usually do not bring home more money that would actually help the family but instead the same amount is going out to keep her working for example, through new clothes, eating out, vehicle/gas expenses, etc. I recommend the book "The Way Home" from Mary Pride, is a great place to start. Also, see what can be cut back at home and pray about your decision. Is there something that you might be able to do from your home that would help out or maybe your husband could find something on the side to bring in a little extra income? Many times God will surprise us and provide a way that we were not expecting. I will be praying for you and if you have anymore questions, please ask!

Many blessings...


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