Monday, November 2, 2009

The Biblical Family Under Attack

Because the family is so central to building up a godly society, it has always been under attack by unbelievers and is in particularly great danger today.

At the root of outright hatred of family bonds lies sinful man's craving to be independent of God and his fellow men so he may do as he pleases and not be burdened or restrained by any responsibilities or obligations. Such individual anarchy and selfishness among ever growing numbers of people eventually leads to the breakdown of society at large. But this is not the end: the most ruthless and selfish people will usurp the government and enslave the rest of the people to serve their own ends. He who will not serve God his Creator invites human tyranny, as history shows.

As C. S. Lewis wrote, "Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and cruel people to the top and [civilization) slides back into misery and ruin. Because the family is so central to building up a godly society, it has always been under attack by unbelievers and is in particularly great danger today.

At the root of outright hatred of family bonds lies sinful man's craving to be independent of God and his fellow men so he may do as he pleases and not be burdened or restrained by any responsibilities or obligations. Such individual anarchy and selfishness among ever growing numbers of people eventually leads to the breakdown of society at large.

But this is not the end: the most ruthless and selfish people will usurp the government and enslave the rest of the people to serve their own ends. He who will not serve God his Creator invites human tyranny, as history shows. It seems to start up all right and runs a few yards, and then it breaks down. They are trying to run it on the wrong juice [instead of on God Himself]. That is what Satan has done to us humans." (Mere Christianity. p.39).

Modern enemies of biblical Christianity have attacked the family on the grounds of evolution, denying the biblical creation account (for instance. Sigmund Freud). The vituperative attack on the family by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's co-founder of Marxism-Communism, was based upon evolution. For him, the monogamous family was founded upon enslavement of the woman by the man, and original group marriage was replaced by individual marriages inevitably accompanied by adultery and prostitution. His idea of marriage was that of a contract based only upon physical love, which could be easily broken. Likewise Engels looked upon private property not as a trust under God, but rather as theft from communal ownership of all things, and to be abolished, as it is today in Communist countries. Consider that Communism dominates about half the world today and bids fair to conquer it all by invasion (Afghanistan, Tibet), subversion, and by confluence with New Age thought in the anticipated one-world state of the near future. "Communal ownership" means administration by the state/government, and in practice by the ruling elite.

Because the biblical family protects true cohesion and love, and points to the God of Scripture and His true freedom in Christ, it is especially under attack in today's "post-Christian" world. One line of attack is to confuse the difference between a true family and "people living together" no matter who they are. Another is to take over the education of the children. Another is to discriminate against biblical families by peer pressure (as against families with more than two children). by tax disadvantages, and by contempt against "homemakers" in the name of feminist "self-esteem," "self-fulfillment," etc.

Enemies of the biblical family also suppress the lesson all `History teaches, namely, that breakdown of marriage and family has always been a sure precursor of the breakdown of an entire society or state.' Ancient Greece and Rome are perfect examples of this historical fact.

Because the family is God's basic social institution,

to abandon or destroy it

is to destroy


-The Creationism Website


Rivers of Water said...

To read this at he outset, it is very discouraging and dis-heartening... to read it knowing who I am in Christ, makes me thankful that I do know Christ and encourages me to be the Godly example to my family of what a proper marriage is and continue to pray that my children will carry on the legacy for generations to come.

p.s. There was a duplicate paragraph posted if you hadn't seen it.

Melissa D. SC

Zombiemommy said...

I feel under attack or scrutiny because we have 3 very young children with a 4th on the way. I feel like my plan to homeschool is looked down upon.

They just don't understand that I want my children to enjoy their childhood as long as possible.

The godly family is looked down upon. However I know in my golden years, I will be glad for all the spiritual, emotional and physical work it is for us now.

Emily said...

So true, so true. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Great post! And you know what..

If you just keep on doing what you do, people will definately start noticing 'something different' (in a good sense) in the end.

They all have their prejudice against the christian family, and they all know better than us.. but just hang out with people for a few years (say, co-workers) and they will notice how much better your life is in terms of relationships, love and commitment.

My husband has many of these stories, where people ridiculed him at first - they knew better and their relationships were 'founded better', yet every one of these people has now been divorced or just 'dumped' by their partner.. and then they see us and think: "hmm.. maybe they're not doing so bad after all" ;)

Greetings from the netherlands!

Rhonda Devine said...

Oh, how true his post is~one thing I will add is the rise of individualism in our society and churches. Socialism embraces individualism as it eradicates the family unit and focuses on the individual alone, thereby removing any parental influence. Therefore, every person is there for the good of the "state". Parents are no longer needed as the government/professionals will train up the children~who needs mothers at home when you have state run daycares to teach the little ones? We must not, as Christian mothers, allow this type of thinking to invade our households~rather we live out God's plan for the family and we will raise God-loving children who rightfully worship their Creator.

Deanna said...

this is an awesome post!!!!!
d from homehaven


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