Monday, August 31, 2009

A Look at Homeschool Rooms

With a new school year around the corner I thought I would write a few posts to get us focused and encouraged on on homeschooling our little blessings. I have been working on the school room and looking for new ways to set it up differently, to be more functional and beautiful this year so I looked around online and found some inspiration:

Tiany has a wonderful sunfilled, happy space.

I like the peaceful colors here from Sheri's homeroom makeover at Green and Crunchy.

Love the spaciousness of this room here at School on a Hill.

Counting My Pennies had some good organizing ideas--love how the books are all lined up.

This reading nook by Mamamonk for the school looks cozy and she was so creative with this tree mural.

Even Nester has a tidy and chic space.

How could I forget this writing center from The Write Start.

I thought this picture was probably pretty accurate for many homeschoolers:

If you are creating a special space for your children on whatever kind of a budget--large, small or nonexistent----remember...what matters most is the love that is put in it!

If you need more inspiration, you can click here and view over a 100 different homeschool rooms.

Happy planning!


Anonymous said...

Your homeschool rooms are just lovely and so nicely organized! Thank you for sharing, you have given me many ideas!!! Have a blessed and beautiful day!

Our growing family said...

What would you suggest when there isn't any room??? We have six people in a 1100sqft. townhouse.
I would love some inspiration!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Thia gave me some wonderful ideas. Thanks so much for the sites. I have enough to go on now.

Caroline said...

What a fun post from a "not yet mom who wants to homeschool her future children" to see. I love teh different takes on a "school room". I always pictured using a corner of the office surrounded by our ever-growing collection of books and detailed maps and frames filled with a rotating collection of educational posters such as these:

Domestic Goddess said...

I am so nervous. Your post today is a great encouragement. I will be homeschooling my preschooler this year. My other children went through Head Start Preschool but My youngest son is not eligible to go, and with the slow economy I can not send him to preschool with his friends. So, I have enrolled him in the Pa Cyber Charter school. I never wanted to homeschool my children. I am inspired by some of the families I know that homeschool. They do a great job and their children are getting a more enriched education. Then I have seen homeschooled children who are so backward and socially inept. I am afraid I'll screw up my kids future. I've been praying quite a bit that God will give me the Wisdom to do what is right and then I logged on and your blog came up first. I love it when he answers prayers. Thanks, Melissa

Teena said...

very neat. ;) We have our school room in combined with our dining room, computer room.... but we love it. It is messy a lot.

thanks for sharing I love these pics.


Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I have never had a separate 'school' room and as home educators I do believe that we do not need to duplicate the look of the classroom at home. I have taught all my children at the dining room table and read to them on the sofa. My oldest son is 17 and he has only had his own desk since the age of 15! He has been attending university at his desk (since the age of 16) and sits his exams at the local library. He is coping admirably with the demands of academic learning and achieving distinction level marks. We never used formal curriculum or tests.
I am blessed to have a large beautiful light filled kitchen/family room with full length glass doors which looks out onto our forest... the outdoors is also our 'school room'. I do not have many walls to pin up posters and work so I have to be selective... a world map is at child height and our family vision poster has pride of place to remind us of why we are actually homeschooling. If we make a time line I string it from the beams across the room! Although I have less classroom clutter in our home (we do have a separate office and library just off the family room) I do have 'accessories' throughout our home that educate such as antique style maps on the walls, a piano and an Indonesian teak cupboard which holds all our craft supplies. Even a bowl of unusual seashells on the coffee table can be a nature lesson!
Melissa I was very touched by your comment... you have prayed to God for wisdom as you start this journey and He will provide it, together with strength, patience and encouragement... everything you need. This has been my experience, I always used to worry at the start if I was 'shortchanging' my children in some way but I found the opposite to be true. I have written about our journey in a post I wrote about our son called 'The Homeschool Graduate'. I know this has encouraged others who are also starting out so do pop over for a visit!

Leah said...

Fun post June, we start back next week - I now have a cute chalk board in my dining room and we've just done a VERY budget garage conversion ( as we have no room in our little house) into a play/school room...I'll hopefully put up some photos and a post about it later in the week; we're just making the final adjustments but the children are VERY excited!

Amy said...

What beautiful rooms! I'm starting preschool with Peapod this fall and we're just about to move into a new house, so all of these great learning rooms are nice inspiration for me right now. The tree mural was a neat touch. :o)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Our Growing Family,

We never had an 'official' school room until recently and we use it mainly for storing things all our art supplies, displaying our timeline and we also like to do our craft time there which we try to do once a week on Friday Fun Day.

We currently do school at the dining room table upstairs and the little ones do it at the 'kindergarten station' located down the hall in the nursery. I set up a little corner with chairs and tables that are their size and I pull up the wingback chair and teach. I hang posters and work on the wall next to it and behind the door. This way we can have fun and the little ones can be loud and not distract the older students.

My older students do not stay confined at the table either. When it is time to read history or study for a spelling test they are allowed to go to the couch or a bedroom to study quietly. Sometimes we time them with a timer to make sure they aren't wasting time. We've even schooled out on the deck--as long as they were not distracted.

Don't feel you need a school room, as it is not necessary. But I would definitely suggest you have a 'teacher station' to hold your supplies so you can plan well. Perhaps it could be a desk, small bookcase, a file crate or portable binder system to help organize your lesson planning. I will be posting more on this later.

Hope this helps!

Many blessings...

Christine said...

Great pictures, thank you for sharing.

Your blog is beautiful! I always enjoy it.

Pink Slippers said...

Can't wait to visit these blogs too.
mommy to 7. 9 and under.

Ms. Pajak said...

Wow, great post. Those rooms are amazing. If I am blessed to be a mother one day, I would love to set up an organized and stylish room for homeschooling. :)


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