Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Knighthood for Boys

Recently my husband and I were inspired by homeschool message we heard about a special way to encourage our sons- so we created a simple composition book to guide and give them direction. Here were some of the challenging entries we included:

Dad's Encouragement

What I Want for my Wife
What I Want for my Children
What I Will teach my Children
My Messages (that I will teach when I'm older to other young men to help them)
My Sin's and Weaknesses

Who I'm Discipling and How I'm Discipling

Prayers for the Church
Books I Have Studied
Entrepreneurial Ideas

When we created my own son's journal, we added in a few extra personal topics for him to consider and study, tailoring it just for him. Before we presented it, my husband and I both wrote personal notes to him on the front page--here is what my husband wrote:

To My Son, Stephen Josiah:

As you journey through this life I want you to remember one thing above all else, "Guard your heart!" for it is with your heart that you will serve the Lord, protect women and children, and fight the Great Dragon. You are a warrior in the Lord's Army. Fight Well!

May this journal help you to this cause.

Fighting the Dragon for you, Dad (he then drew a symbolic sword next to his name)

Isn't that just beautiful?

My son's eyes welled up as read it.

My prayer is that God would use the power of His Word, our consistent training and discipling, and this humble little journal---to help grow a little boy who is learning about being on mission for the Lord into a man who will one day fully be on mission for the Lord.

I also pray that this was helpful in giving you one more idea of how we can train our sons and prepare them to one day live victorious lives for the God we serve.

Have a blessed day!


Sarah xoxo said...

I love your blog entries!They have been an encouragment in my life!

Anonymous said...

This does indeed sound like a wonderful way to help raise our Sons. I have three son's currently ages 4,3, and 8 mo. Would you have some insight or wisdom to share on how one might pass on such jewels to their sons if their Dad is not one for writing, or speaking per se. Their dad always says I am the articulate one in the family and their dad comes to me many a time and asks what is the best way to say something. Would it be ok for my husband and I to work on this together and perhaps I could be the stenographer and help him find the right words to put into writing???

On a side note, I have just recently found your blog and I have started at the beginning and am reading my way through to the current day. I find the grace in your words of great encouragement and the sound wisdom you impart from the bible very comforting. I am 41 years old and have been married for 8 years and ony came to know the Lord 6 years ago. Thank you for being a wonderful example of a Titus 2 Lady.
Melissa D. SC http://www.xanga.com/MelissaDSC

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

This is a wonderful idea!! I'm so excited to get something started for my children. Thanks for posting this. Have a blessed day!

Happy Hermit (happilyhiddenhermit@gmail.com) said...

Wonderful Post. I am so grateful for the time you take to share with us .

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Melissa,

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to post, I love hearing from my readers and knowing that this blog is making a difference in others lives.

I think it is a great idea to help your husband in composing this and as a matter of fact---I was the one who filled this book in for him, asking his opinion of what he thought I should add or omit.He gave his input and signed the note and presented it to him. We were made to be our husbands help-meets---so yes, by all means, help him!

Many blessings to your family...

Tanja said...


I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed my visit at your blog. You have a very beautiful writing style and your entries are so inspiring.

Thank you :o)


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