Tuesday, February 17, 2009

They Call Her Blessed

A woman is seen in her most sacred and dignified character as wife and mother. She has great influence over the character of individuals, over the condition of families, and over the destinies of empires.

It is a fact that many of the noblest patriots, our most profound scholars, and our holiest ministers, were stimulated to their excellence and usefulness by those holy principles which they derived in early years from devoted mothers

...our mothers are our earliest instructors, and they have an influence over us, the importance of which, for time and eternity, surpasses the power of language to describe.

--Excerpt from Daughters of Destiny by Noelle Wheeler Goforth


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'll have to add that to my reading list!

marymo5 said...

I have awarded you the kreativ blog, i love reading your blog

Kitten Factory said...

awww yes i love my mum

Learn to love mistakes

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

I love this passage on motherhood. I believe that it is the most important job in making a house into a home. Thanks for posting a nd reminding mothers of these blessing we bestow on our family.

Anonymous said...

thank you


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