Friday, April 11, 2008

Gardening Inspiration

The other day I was at the library picking up a smorgasborg of magazines and books on gardening and out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but notice the latest issue of Oprah's At Home Magazine. The cover was featuring her secret retreat where she goes to get away from it all. The place where she plays no music and allows not one meeting. She has preserved this space for herself--to rejuvenate herself. I must say I was stunned by the view from her home as you can see above, it is just simply breathtaking! Imagine if this were your personal retreat!

By the way, I am intrigued by french gardens...

...they're known for their design and use of symmetry, diamonds, framing and thus creating a clean look that pleases the eye.


Kaira said...

This is very pretty - quite spectacular actually! Have you heard the latest with Oprah? There is a very popular video of her teaching her viewers about her beliefs, it is called the Church of Oprah (you can view it on youtube), how there is no sin, etc... She claims that, "There couldn't possibly be just only one way...". It is really disturbing! So, anyhow, her getaway is beautiful and spectacular, but it is nothing compared to the getaway that is being prepared for us in Heaven! I'll make do with my somewhat weedy gardens and my kind-of messy home until then :)

On another note, if you like these types of beautiful gardens, there are some amazing historic homes in Knoxville, TN where you can tour gardens like this. My personal favorite from our trip there last summer was Crescent Bend House - gorgeous, incredible, simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to second the comment left about Oprah teaching some really crazy, Revelation, false prophet stuff.

Be very careful, no RUN from her!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for your concern,I should have mentioned that I don't watch Oprah (or hardly any TV for that matter) or read her magazines. But as stated in the post---the cover of the magazine caught my eye. I love beauty---as you can see from the art I feature on my blog---so it could have been any magazine and it would have caught my attention. It is unfortunate that she believes these things, but I think it is also a great opportunity for us to pray for her. Are we surprised that she thinks this way as an unbeliever? Were we not all this way once? Why are we shocked if we know that unregenerate man is hostile towards God until He believes as scriptures clearly state? She is a sinner in need of a Savior just like me and you. Could you imagine if Oprah got saved, the influence she would have around the globe? So I don't think we should run from her...Jesus didn't run from the unsaved. Instead, He ran toward them....and not only that--He loved them, He cared for them and He taught them the Truth. We would be wise to follow in His example.

Many blessings...

Dawn said...

It's pretty and all, but that's quite a lot for just one person. But then again it is Oprah and she has the money to do these things.

Just give me a small corner in the house or a spare bedroom and I am happy as a clam! :-)

I agree, we should be praying for Oprah. Yes, she is majorly confused, but so I was as an unsaved soul too. I just went along with what everyone else believed.

I don't read her magazines or books and hardly ever watch her shows but have been reading on her 'church' thinkings and well, yeah...she needs

Hope you all have a blessed week. It seems to be going by so slow for me...ugh...


Kaira said...

I totally agree with you - this is an opportunity to pray for her. I've tried to remember to do that myself but I so rarely actually think about her to remember to pray for her. It would be an amazing thing for her to be speaking out FOR Christ instead of for self. I can only imagine the impact she could have for the Kingdom of God if she were to see the truth of God's word. I also hope that my comment didn't come off as assuming that you were a big fan of Oprah's - I think you were clear in that the picture on her magazine just caught your eye - it is quite lovely for sure :)

i so enjoy your blog.
be blessed.

Anonymous said...


Those gardens are beautiful! I got some beautiful gardens when we bought our home, but I just don't have the time needed to maintain them. That and I have a black thumb! :-) But I still love looking at other's lovely gardens.


Stacy said...

Wow your response to the anonymouse comment really touched my heart! You are very graceful, a quality i am working on myself. For my own personal spot, i would much prefer just a nice grassy back yard with a flower bed =) LOL with all that other stuff going on id be much more likely to explore then to relax =p


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