Saturday, March 22, 2008


"The home-life should also be made bright and full of sunshine. The courtesty of the true home is not stiff and formal but sincere, simple and natural. Children need an atmosphere of gladness. Law should not make its restraints hang like chains upon them. Sternness and coldness should have no place in home-life of in family government. No child can ever grow up into its richest and best development in a home which is gloomy and unhappy. No more do plants need sunshine and air than children need joy and gladness. Unhappiness stunts them, so that their sweetest graces never come out."

----JR Miller


Toia said...

This is so true. A home should be full of peace, joy, and comfort. You can have these things within your home providing that it is God-centered. Happy Resurrection Sunday!!

PS - Your blog is beautiful.

ruth said...

thank you for that!

Anonymous said...

Very, very true! Thank you!


Gina Marie said...

This was a balm for my soul today. Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, thanks. This is just what I needed to read today, and probably what I need to be reading everyday:)

Anonymous said...

This quote is so true. I am working on being a "kinder and gentler" mother. I grew up in a very harsh environment where I rarely heard a kind word, and I can tell you how discouraging this is to a child. I am striving to keep "the law of kindness on my tongue".
I love that your blog is "rooted and grounded" in our Lord, Christ Jesus! God Bless!

Sue said...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like something from J.R. Miller's book called Home Making, which is online along with many of his other writings.

WisdomBuilders said...

You are such an inspiration. I hope you don't mind that I add you to my list of links. I want people who read my blog to be able to come here. Thanks so much.

B. said...

That is a beautiful quote and I really love that blog title. That has always been one of my favorite verses, and one I have pondered often.

Anonymous said...

Lovely quote. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!

Despite the fact that you have a large family - and I only have one child - I know that I've found a kindred spirit! I just came across your blog and fell in love! What a great retreat for me in the middle of my busy day!
Thank you!

Beauty from the Heart said...

A good reminder, not only for mothers, but for sisters who are too quick to scold. (Thank you.)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Beauty from the Heart,

YES! I agree wholeheartedly! Thank you for pointing out this important fact.

Many blessings...

MRS MJW said...

wow...i really like your blog. i feel exactly the same. i am so excited about what the Father God is doing. keep it up.

Marcy said...

Such an encouragement and a great reminder of the influence our actions and attitudes have on our children. This was truly a perfect day for me to read this. I'm putting this quote somewhere that I will see it everyday! Thanks for your beautiful and uplifting blog.

Anonymous said...

I love the art you used with this post. Could you provide the name of the piece?


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