Monday, March 10, 2008

Spiritual Pride

An interesting quote from Jonathon Edwards regarding spiritual pride:

"Proud people tend to speak of other's sins, the miserable delusion of hypocrites, the deadness of some saints with bitterness, or the opposition to holiness of many believers. Pure Christian humility, however, is silent about the sins of others, or speaks of them with grief and pity. 

The spiritually proud person finds fault with other saints for their lack of progress in grace, while the humble Christian sees so much evil in his own heart, and is so concerned about it, that he is not apt to be very busy with other hearts. He complains most of himself and his own spiritual coldness and readily hopes that most everybody has more love and thankfulness to God than he."

"One under the influence of spiritual pride is more apt to instruct others than to ask questions. Such a person naturally puts on the airs of a master. The eminently humble Christian thinks he needs help from everybody, whereas the spiritually proud person thinks everybody needs his help. Christian humility, under a sense of others’ misery, entreats and beseeches, but spiritual pride commands and warns with authority."

-Jonathan Edwards- Spiritual Pride


Here is also a wonderful list from Nancy Leigh Demoss that I know you will enjoy and learn from:

List of 41 Evidences of Pride

1.  Do you look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself?

2.  Do you think of yourself as more spiritual than your mate, others in your church?

3.  Do you have a judgmental spirit toward those who don’t make the same lifestyle choices you do . . . dress standards, how you school your kids, entertainment standards, etc.?

4.  Are you quick to find fault with others and to verbalize those thoughts to others? Do you have a sharp, critical tongue?

Read the rest HERE.

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Just Me said...

This spoke to me today! Thank you for this reminder. What words of wisdom! I know I am guilty of this sin and I am grateful that you have posted this. Thank you.

Amy said...

This post is timely for me. Thank you for the reminder. :o)

Bethany Hudson said...

That list was very convicting--and amazingly thorough! Thank you for sharing.

to be made whole said...

Wow - I was convicted through many of these....yikes. Thanks for the love June ;) Hey I saw you guys are starting an Acts 29 church plant? We are considering moving to help start one in San Antonio....would love to chat with you more about it!

Michelle Maddocks said...

so beautifully and respectfully written and submitted by you. I always appreciate coming by your website - such a refined ladylike atmosphere here!

-:-Chanin-:- said...

No matter how many times I read that list, I still get convicted. Just when we think we're getting our act together- we see how much we really need His grace. Just when we think we've accomplished some major change or overcome some area of lack in our lives- lovingly He shows us our need of Him. Without Him we can do nothing and we are nothing.

Lord, forgive me when I think I'm something, when I think I know it all. Keep me humble.

Rachel said...

This post was extrememly convicting me. My heart is so full of pride!

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? -Jeremiah 17:9

That list of questions was wonderful! Very convicting. LORD, please forgive me for this shameful sin!! I am full of pride and stubborness (which is as the sin of witchcraft) and I beg Him to help me root these things out of my heart and my life.

I want to be more like this...

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Phillipians 2

Bake Me A Cake! said...

You have my attention with this post. I am guilty of the sin of pride! Thank you for the conviction your words brought into my heart. I need to go get on my knees and make some changes in my life...

Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

Oh my, what a beautiful inspirational blog. I am so glad I found you and your entry was touching to my heart.

Anonymous said...

Shyness does not equate to pride.

Anonymous said...



Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

JennyCash said...

thanks for the post. can you tell me the title of the painting that's on top of the post? i really like it.


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

I agree with you. Perhaps they mean being too shy for a reason---such as not wanting anyone to get close to you to see your imperfections? Too bad they didn't elaborate.

Many blessings...

Elspeth said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

I found your site thru Home living...That cut right to the heart!I really did not realize how prideful I am. Very convicting!


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