Thursday, September 6, 2007

Large Family Budget Blessings

This past month I was blessed in so many ways. This past summer I had gone to a garage sale a found loads (and I mean loads) of homeschooling Abeka books on sale for only a quarter! I am talking about teacher guides that in the catalog go for over $35 dollars were in pristine condition for only 25 cents. The lady was so friendly explaining that she was involved in a co-op and just did not want to spend all her time posting them on Ebay.

She wanted my phone number to call me later because she had more at home. She did end up calling me last month and gave me a huge box load of FREE Abeka books. I ended up with nearly 30 readers for the children (regular priced at $10 each!, tons of teacher guides and unused workbooks and many more items I needed or could resell myself. The savings estimated easily over a thousand dollars worth.

This year I have already tackled buying most of all my fall and winter shopping for my eight blessings. I walked into my local thrift store a few days ago and found they were having a back to school sale with all clothing for 48 cents! I quickly stocked up on winter coats, snowsuits, windbreakers, fall coats, mittens, hats, boots, church clothes, play clothes, church shoes, costumes and everything else you can think of.

I like to buy extra coats--one for them to play in at home and one for going out, that can get pretty costly if I was trying to do that at a regular store---but you can't beat that for forty-eight cents! I also found the most beautiful church dresses for the girls---the kind you can only find for about $40 at Sears or JC Penny and in brand new condition! I could not believe my eyes.

 The Lord has greatly blessed us this year-- He also had a friend call out of the blue to give me a huge bag of Hannah Anderson dresses that were almost new---these dresses go for at least $30-$40 dollars each. There must have been 25 dresses in there with other odds and ends.

"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." Proverbs 31:21

I also like to keep a wardrobe log of who has what so when I encounter great sales I can buy accordingly since I am in charge of keeping ten family members wardrobe's up-to-date, in good repair and laundered, which many times can be a full-time job in itself! The change of seasons are always a busy time for me making sure I get most of their clothing purchased and checked off this list. I especially like buying most of it at one time----it frees me up to pursue other important endeavors the rest of the year, like spending my extra time with family and drinking hot cocoa.

My most recent blessing occurred this past Sunday as we visited my father-in-law and enjoyed his new hardwood floors. I noticed a pretty cabinet with glass and shelving in the corner of their kitchen and complimented his wife on it. She quickly told me they did not have the room for it and was thinking about selling it at a garage sale. Then she asked me if I'd like it to have it. Have it? Of course, I'd love it! She then told me there were two and we could pick them up whenever we'd like! Now didn't I just ask the Lord for some new bookcases? These were perfect.

The Lord is so good, blessings like this happen quite frequently around here. He always provides and knows just what we need and even knows our 'wants'. Don't think He doesn't hear your prayers, He knows exactly what our needs are and our heart's desires. No thing is too small to bring before Him, not even a pair of mittens.


Sallie said...

These are great blessings indeed!!

God bless,

Mrs. Anna T said...

Wow! How richly and abundantly you have been blessed!

I experienced the same thing: once I opened my heart and trusted Him to provide, He did, beautifully. *Amazing* finds in second-hand shops and lots of completely unexpected gifts. He gave me all I needed and more.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the truth!?

Paula said...

You have indeed been blessed!!

Brenda said...

Can I come live with you? Oh my word!!! I have never heard of such a windfall of blessings before! It reminds me of the words to an old song,
"If He keeps on blessing and blessing,If He keeps on pouring it on, if His love just keeps getting richer, if He keeps on sending His Son, if my cup gets fuller and fuller, if my prayers keep on getting through...If it keeps getting better and better, O Lord, I don't know what I'm gonna do!"
And WHERE are these thrift stores? The ones areound here are junky!

Anonymous said...

I love this-the Lord really does bless us in so many different ways and yet so many people choose to look at things that happen (like your friend dropping off the bag of clothes)as coincidence or luck and don't see them for the blessing they are. I have even heard other Christians (or at least people professing to be)make silly statements like "Wow, I sure was lucky that so and so happened to be in the area when my car broke down"-sometimes I will say, "No, it wasn't lucky, it was God taking care of you". Sometimes, the lightbulb will go off and they will realize that yes, God really was the one who made that happen!
Thank you for sharing about your blessings-I hope He continues to bless you richly!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for HIS provision!!! He indeed loves His children and watches over us and the neat thing is He is working on our needs before we even know them! :o) tammy

Anonymous said...

Yea arent thrift stores the best, I have found many things still with store tags on them lol. Shoot I was able to purchase a in great condition and working order 1.5 pound Bread maker. I even got me a really nice apron and 2 new church outfits and my dd a cute modest skirt.YEA WHOO !!

Anonymous said...

My family has so many needs and I've been praying for a long time for God to pour His blessings down on us.
I'm still waiting.
Maybe He really does love some of His children more than others.

Anonymous said...

< The Lord is so good, blessings like this happen quite frequently around here. >

This sounds like a very proud attitude. God doesn't do those sorts of things for my family...what makes yours so special?

Anna said...

It looks like I have a lot I can learn from you. There are only 3 of us in my little family but I am hoping for it to grow much bigger. I am working on my daughter and my winter wardrobes but its not going near as well as yours. What a blessing from God.

Me said...

What a wonderful story of blessing and an encouragement for all of us!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome about the books hun!


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

I truly believe God loves us all so much that He sent His only Son to die for us---that is more of a blessing than anything I could ever post about receiving here on earth where moth and rust destroy. Blessings are also things we might overlook, such as health, family, a new day, etc.----we must not forget about these simple things so easily taken for granted which others cannot enjoy. I will pray with you that the Lord will meet your every need.

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jo,

My family is not any more special than yours is---the only thing that is special in this post is the Lord's provisions. I'm sorry if you think I might have sounded prideful for that truly was not my goal---in fact, my goal was to exalt God and give thanks and I thought I made this very clear.

As I shared with Anonymous,there are many blessings we over look every day--do take the time to look at my comment to her. I will be praying for your family as well.

Many blessings...

Many blessings...

Rhonda Devine said...

Dear June,
You are a dear sister and I pray God will pour out many more blessings on you and your family. God is good to each of us and knows what is best for us before we even ask. Many times He can trust us with material blessings and other times He withholds for a higher good. Isn't it wonderful that we can trust Him to do what is best for us all the time?
May we bless one another and always be thankful for the blessings God bestows on all who love Him.


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