Monday, August 20, 2007

The Legacy

This piece is called 'The Legacy' by Ron DiCianni. It depicts a picture of a man of God preaching and behind him stands Jesus, the prophets from the Bible and angels. I bought this for my husband a while back for his birthday because he had very much admired this piece when he first laid eyes on it and now it graces one of the walls in our living room. This past week he preached officially for the first time at New Life Little Village Church and did an excellent job!

It truly amazes me the giftings God has blessed him with such as being able to talk to large crowds so naturally. I have taught to crowds before but do not share his natural ability to come off comfortably the way he does, memorize exactly what he wants to say in what order, teach at extended lengths, or be spontaneous in my teachings the way he is----and forget even trying to have a sense of humor! He is very good at that, I am blessed to be married to someone the Lord has gifted so immensely. My respect and love for him grows more each day and I am glad that I have him to share my life and children with. I am glad I get to grow old with him!

So ladies, take a good look of that husband of yours. Enjoy him, be grateful for him. Know that the Lord brought him to you despite all circumstances and character flaws. He is your protector and goes out daily to 'fight the world' to provide for you and your family. Cherish him and love him and relish the time you have on earth with him which is very short.

I know I will.


Mrs. Anna T said...

Not married yet, but this is definitely something to remember as I prepare for marriage!

~Bren~ said...

My husband was on vacation all week last week. I was so excited when he went back to work. I am feeling pretty bad about that now! I think I will make him a special dinner! Thank you for all the wisdom you share. I read your blog everytime you post, I just do not comment often. Keep reminding us we honor God when we love our husbands!

Brenda said...

I've been thinking about the poor husband a lot this week! They sure are neglected and not give a place of honor like they should be these days. We have male friends that I actually feel sorry for b/c of the way they are treated by their families.
And I, too, and thankful for my wonderful husband. God picked just the right one for me!!!

Pamela Alderman said...

Thank-you for your section on art. Your gallery is beautiful. I'm an artist, and I love to create beauty too.

Many blessings

Unknown said...

This has got to be one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen! I'll be looking for it for my husband for Father's Day:)

Love your site!


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