Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ministry For the Family

As a family we enjoy doing many different things together, this includes ministry. We knew it would strengthen us as a family as we to work together and in the process our children would draw closer to the Lord all the while planting blessed seeds of servanthood in them.

We lead a Bible study called 'HomeBuilders' where our purpose is to build up and encourage families in the Lord with the teaching of turning the fathers hearts to the children and the children hearts towards the fathers (Luke 1:17) and biblical roles of husbands and wives, etc. Here, we were able to minister as a family. Our children would worship with us, they would play hymns on violin, sing duets, help set up book tables, head these tables up, be in charge of transactions of CD or book purchases. They would help pass out material, they would read scripture, they would go up on stage and answer questions dad would ask the group. Behind the scenes, they would fold brochures, burn CD's, organize, put up websites, load the van full of our needed items, prepare foods and desserts for the potluck beforehand, practice their songs, pray for the people in group, minister to little children in the group and on and on and on....

It is a blessing to work together as a family to serve the Lord. They will have memories of working as a team all of their lives. They will come to understand to give of themselves and not just want to be entertained. We want to make this a way of life for them, 'HomeBuilders' has definitely allowed us to do that on so many levels, we have been very blessed.

Lately, we are working on new endeavors. My sons, Stephen (7) and Ravi (6), have recently taken over a new ministry that they do together----a tract ministry. I used to pass out tracts with my older daughter, Janai, when it was just me and her, she has good memories of this. Now the boys have bought tracts with their own money (and some brought home from Dad), prayed over the tracts and now daily wait outside until they see some unsuspecting person walking by our home and run up to them and say "Hello, I have a special gift for you." This has worked as people receive them and hopefully soon someone will get saved by their noble efforts!

Another thing we are working on is our 'Homeless Ministry' prompted by this video. A lady who commented shared a great idea of creating food bags for the homeless using ziplocks bags. I purchased raisins, cheese crackers, etc and the children loaded up the bags and we put a tract in it. We will probably write something like 'May god bless you' on the bags with black marker. If anyone else has any good ideas about this please leave a comment sharing with the rest of us.

Now I would like to hear what you do as a family for ministering to others, please share your lovely ideas with us!


Dawn said...

That is just awesome what you do together as a family! And the zealousness your children have to share the Lord is so wonderful to see. I think of the teenagers in my church...they supposedly are all saved but you couldn't tell. They are just as worldy as the next teenager, which is sad. The last thing they want to talk about is God and the Bible, but instead focus on everything else. I have even seen these teens nod off in church and have a bad attitude about being there...just so sad. But I rejoice when I hear of young children just doing what the Lord commanded. At the church I got saved in, there were twin girls..at th time they were probably 10 or 11. They went to public school and I don't know if they were saved, but they went soul winning in that school. They would hand out tracts to their peers and tell them to tell their moms they wanted to go to church. They handed them to the teachers, and they talked about God. I think a few people came out too because of that. How awesome!

We do not have children yet, but that doesn't mean my husband and I have to stay silent. Unfortunatly, because we have differnet beliefs (he's Catholic and I am well, a Christian..I guess Anabaptist if you want to put a label on it), there is no minstry within our home. He's told me that he doesn't pray with me because I won't recite the "Hail Mary" or "Our Father" and e won't read the Bible with me because he hates the KJV. I have told him I would use whatever Bible he wanted, but he didn't listen. He doesn't even pray or read the Bible himself anymore...he would rather play GameBoy or go online for endless hours. :( He rarely goes to church too.
I am so spiritually starved and am sick of it. I can only stir myself up so many times for God before I get exhausted.
I am so tired...just tired...please pray for the spiritual strength I need.

Thank you so much!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Thank you for sharing your experience of your good work together as a family.

Brenda said...

My husband is the "part-time" youth minister at our church. The girls and I attend all events possible together. Most times, our girls are in Bible class themselves. So, I attend my husband's class (jr. high and high school) and help however he needs me to. While he does a small prayer group with the boys at the end of class, I close up his computer, clean up the room, etc. If he has to go up to the church to work on something we all go with him whenever possible and do what we can to help. It may be sharpening pencils or editing something for him. I have many interests, but this is the ministry he is working in--so we all do too.

Anonymous said...

i am so jealous of your family! i have been wanting a family vision or goal but dh isn't committed to the Lord and the children fight me so........

Amy said...

I just wanted to let you know that this post has really inspired my family to start a small family ministry. Also, I am linking to this post on one my blog posts.

Blessings! :O)


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