Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hymns Galore

What a treasure it is to have beautiful hymns to listen to throughout the day and even more wonderful is have a daughter who likes to play them on her piano. Currently, my daughter is preparing to give music lessons to her four younger siblings for the summer. I'm sure this will be a learning experience for all, not just the siblings!

Hymns are wonderful to incorporate into our childrens life. They are rich in meaning and doctrine. If you would've told me 10 years ago that I would adore hymns today I might have laughed but now I am in love with the timeless hymns of our forefathers and encourage hymns in our home as much as possible.

My current favorite hymn is "For the Beauty of the Earth" performed by The London Festival Orchestra. I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a hymn that makes you revel at the glory of God's handiwork. You can find this beautiful hymn and many others on the CD '50 Most Loved Hymns'.


Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your blog for several weeks now. God bless you for writing it!! One way to learn many of these hymns is right online www.cyberhymnal.org The music may not be as beautiful as that on a CD, but it is wonderful to have all the words so one can learn all the verses. Marie

Me said...

I also love teaching hymns to our children. Just found this great CD and ordered it with scripture put to music.

AmandaPeck said...


I have just now discovered your blog and am very glad I did!

One day I hope to be married and be a Mom! And I want it to be the right way.

Do you have any advice on what to do prepare for that now? I read your post on being 'gentle' in your actions and words. I know that is something to work on.

May God bless your blog's outreach,

Marisha said...

Hello! I've been reading your blog for a few months now and I truly enjoy the challenges and all the encouragement from your posts. After reading this post on hymns it gave me an idea about a possible future CD giveaway and would like to know what you think. My name is Marisha and my email is marishthedish@yahoo.com.

Again, thank you for all the time you put into encouraging wives and mothers:)

With Joy,


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