Tuesday, June 12, 2007

God's Lessons

This week the good Lord has been teaching me alot of lessons that I'd like to share with you:

1. Do I really love my neighbor? If I do, I will give it all up for the sake of loving them (comfort, home, etc) and letting Christ be seen in me and not to get comfortable where I am at, emotionally or physically.

2. This world is an ugly place. People need Christ more than ever. Would I be willing to be used by God in extraordinary circumstances? Simple circumstances?

3. I need to humble myself indefintely more if He can use me. The last shall be first that is the biblical rule. How can I forever keep humility before me?

4. I am utterly imperfect. The more I draw near to Christ the more I need Him. I can't do anything without Him. His grace is overflowing and His mercies are new everyday, this amazing concept makes me love,cherish, and uphold Him more and more each day.

What lessons have you learned this week, ladies? I'd like to hear what God is doing in your life or if you have any testimonies to share or praise reports about the good and faithful things our sovereign King is doing. Please don't keep it a secret! Share, share share! We'd love to learn from you.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE you blog - it is such an encouragement to me -thank you for being a blessing and sharing! God is teaching me about pride - that I NEED him in every circumstance all throughout the day. NOthing can be done on my own. Not even the dishes. I need him for that too.

Mrs. H said...

This week I learned, through you, no less, that God has been trying to teach me 5 lessons my entire life, and I have been missing the boat.

God has always given me everything I've ever asked for, and yet, I've always seemed to doubt Him. Certain things I asked for were merely promised, instead of given directly, as they weren't appropriate for my life at the time. Instead of trusting Him, I tend to try to steal the reigns and steer myself, usually into a ditch. So lately, God has been allowing me to wait on His promises. I don't like waiting.

I wrote to you, in comment to your "Contentment" post, and you wrote back. At first, it didn't seem to be an important transaction, in the scheme of things. But then God showed me otherwise.

Here are the 5 lessons God is trying to teach me. (Note I haven't learned them yet, but I need to. Any help or advice would be appreciated.)

1) Trust and Reliance on God - Believing God will make good His promises, in His good time, and not trying to make things happen on my own.

2) Contentment and Appreciation - Being happy with what I have, not worried about what I don't have, and loving my boys, husband, and home for what they are, not acting as though what I really want is something else to make me "happy".

3) Patience and Anticipation - Waiting, not with frustration or anger, but with joy and hope. (Like a little kid at Christmas, starry-eyed with excitement of what is to come.)

4) Preparation - Mentally and physically equipping myself for the life I am expecting to live. I am not nearly, honestly, ready to handle the things I am asking for. I lack organization and drive.

5) Being an Example - Allowing others, particularly my husband, to see God working through me and for me. Keeping God's promises to me largely a secret, even from my own husband (He doesn't know they were promised by God) spoils a golden opportunity for God to show His faithfulness to us, and His provision for us.

Thanks for letting me share, and thank you again for your original reply.



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