Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Beauty of Balance

So many of us struggle with balance in our lives. We can have too much on our plates that sometimes our priorities can be left on the backburner. Let's define what our chief priorities are:

1. God (devotionals, prayer time)
2. Husband (taking care of his needs)
3. Children
4. Home

These are some the main things that God has called us to do as women. Life is full and rich tending to the four areas listed above. What are some signs that we are not in balance?

1. Anger, impatience and stressed
2. Neglecting the list above
3. Not getting enough time to rest
4. Doing things because we feel 'obligated'

In general, I believe that we need to slow down as a culture. Our culture screams 'more is best' and 'you can have it all'. More work, more activities, more can be challenging to have a peaceful and quiet spirit if we are moving at a 100 mph all day everyday.  We do not glorify God if we are ragged and exhausted by taking on more than we can handle. Our children do not see Christ in us if we are irritable and grouchy.

So striving for balance is a must. I like to evaluate myself frequently to see how I am doing in this area. I can tell I am off course when I begin to feel overwhelmed or over stressed. I can tell by my children who act out more because they aren't getting sufficient time with me.

 I've learned to say 'no' to many things from all different arenas that I have never regretted in doing so. My main goal is to build up a rich Christian homelife and you just cannot do that if you are on the run. By being discerning about what things were best for our family I was able to achieve balance which is God's will for my life and yours.

Be honest as you look to your schedule today and see what you might be able to say 'no' to so you can begin achieve and maintain the beauty of balance in your lives. Ask your husband too, you'd be surprised at some of the wise, obvservating input husbands can give. The rich Christian home is well worth your efforts----- for it 'echoes in eternity'.

Encouraged here?
Please also check out my book True Christian Motherhood.
ART by Greg Olsen


Brenda said...

I was just praying this evening about whether or not to attend a meeting tomorrow after church. I think I have found my answer, NO! My family needs attending to, there are things that need to be taken care of at home, the girls don't feel that well anyway as they both have colds. So, tomorrow I will gladly go home after church and take care of those things I have been entrusted with and not take on more burdens than I need to. Thanks for this reminder!

Debbie said...

We have been sick the last 2 week and I have been staying home to take care of everyone. Our families should come before everything else.

mgallo67 said...

Thank you for your encouragement to mothers who make sacrifices to stay home. I don't say sacrifices as a complaint, I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be or anything else I would rather be doing. However, as you so eloquently pointed out, we are judged in our society by how much we "do" and produce. Sometimes it can be hard to remember that I really work for Him. And He is most pleased with me when I am caring for the family He gave me, with kindness, patience, and love. Those are things in short supply in me when I get exhausted and stressed out from trying to be everything to everyone. I really enjoy each of your posts. You are a wonderful mentor, and this post was a timely one for me.

Liz Chamia said...

Thank you so much, i will take the part of asking my husband and also re- evaluating my priorities. Your mentoring is so powerful and helpful. I have been married for 1year 2 months and I feel so overwhelmed sometimes. I know the Lord will help me even as my family grows.


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