Thursday, November 14, 2019

Quiet Time Busy Bag Ideas for Children {for Church or Anywhere You Need Some Quiet}

"I need a way to keep my younger child quiet when they are with me at certain times of the day. What can I do to keep them quiet?

It is not always easy to keep a younger child quiet right when you need them to be especially for longer than 30 seconds! But there are a few tricks that can help you especially when you are in a pinch and need something quick!

I have used the idea of busy bags while my children were younger. They are so practical that you can use them:

  • in church (have a special travel bag)
  • in your car for long or short trips (keep a box or backpack)
  • restaurant
  • on the phone 
  • during homeschool
  • plane trips

Some of the ideas I listed below are better for church and others where you could be a little louder or have more space. You make the choice of what you feel is best for your child.

Remember to also make sure that everything is safe and age appropriate for your child as you fill your bags.

You could put these in a bag and leave them in your car. You could have multiple bags - one for home, car, and church. But the key is only letting them use it for the quiet time and not letting them have access to it all the time or they will become bored with it. If you do need them to access it every day be sure to change out the toys as needed to keep it fresh and fun.

Here are a few bag filler ideas that are quiet toys that can be used:

1. Quiet Books

2. Wooly Willy Magnetic Faces

3.  Reusable puffy sticker books

4. crayons and coloring travel kit

5. Mini Magnetic Doodle Board 

6. Magnetic Tins - Playhouse,  Noah's Ark

7. Water Wow - Safari, Under the Sea, Farm, Bible Stories

8. Lace Ups

9.  Felt Story Boards with Storage Bags set of 4

10. Magnetic Tangrams

11. Stuffed animals 

12. Finger puppets

13. Magnetic maze game

14. Soft Fabric Books

15. Etch a Sketch Classic Travel

16.  Dry Erase Books

17. Brio Labryinth

18. Color Wonder Mess Free Coloring books

It you have smaller toys you can organize them in ziplock bags. You can keep all the toys in a basket at home and rotate them and so they are easy to find and store.

If you do a search you can also find printable games that can be laminated and added to your supply.

Don't forget that small food snack bags are helpful too and helps a child to be happy.

I hope these ideas are a blessing to you!

You might also like our post Homeschool Quiet Time Bins for more ideas.

What else would you add?

Please share them in the comments!

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