Monday, September 30, 2019

He Who Finds a Wife Finds a Good Thing and Favor from the Lord

Are you looking for some ways to strengthen your marriage? Maybe you have been busy or the children take up a lot of your time or life circumstances have been overloading you and you just want to take some time to love your husband and work on your marriage.

I hear you!

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and favor from the Lord."  ~Proverbs 18:22

Here are a few practical tips for you to apply this week:

-Study what the Bible says about marriage and the biblical roles. You can use this list of Bible verses to help or just come together and read the Bible together.

-Show affection through loving touch. Holding hands, rub their back, an arm around their waist, a peck on the cheek in passing--all these things help to remind them that you are there for them and that you care

-Forgive and be humble. No one is perfect so when they make a mistake that upsets you be sure to forgive quickly and move on. Don't be prideful and demand your way but be humble and remember to put others before yourself--this includes your husband!

-Work on communication. Don't you wish this would come easier? But like anything in a strong marriage this requires working on too, read our post on the Four Important Rules of Communication that will Strengthen Your Marriage for a good foundation.

-Bless them with random acts of kindness. Husbands need kindness too! Show him love by doing things like making his favorite meal or dessert, letting him watch the game uninterrupted, sending him a loving text while he is at work, surprising him with something he loves, give him time to rest when he gets home, keep the home clean, care for and love his children, have his family over, etc.

-Plan dates and time alone with your spouse. Sometime our busy schedules can cause us to neglect one on one time with each other so be sure to carve it out when you can. Here is a list of inexpensive date night ideas if you need inspiration!

-Pray for them. One of the best things you can do is pray for them. You know them the best and what their needs are, what they struggle with and what they are discouraged with. The Lord knows all our needs and we can bring everything to His feet in prayer.

-Encourage and affirm them. Sometimes men don't ask for these things but a wise wife will do so anyway. Tell him that he is a good dad, a hard worker, and good husband. Show appreciation for him and let it be known. This is a form of respecting him and all that he does for the family.

-Be content and thankful. Be content with the husband that God gave you and have a thankful heart. Be appreciative and don't take each other for granted. Tell him out loud what you are grateful for so that he knows--like playing with the kids, or taking out the trash, or being diligent paying the bills on get the idea!

-Understand that they are a sinner and that they need Jesus as much as you do. Give them grace when they make mistakes (because they will) and turn to God to help you have wisdom, discernment, and His eyes and heart. Don't just criticize him, but build up your husband with life giving words and good deeds.

Dear Lord, help us to be wives that love and respect our husbands and help us to apply some of these practical steps to our daily lives. Give us wisdom where wisdom is needed and help us to build up our homes and not tear them down. We ask this is Jesus' name. Amen.

If you need more encouragement on this topic, we highly recommend this helpful gem of a book!

Have a blessed day building up your homes for the Lord!




Shaunie said...

This is beautiful and so needed in the world we live in. I'm so happy to have stumbled on your site through something I pinned today (darling burp cloths!). Thank you for your wisdom and example!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Shaunie,

We are glad you found us--thank you for your kind words. We hope you stop by again!


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