Thursday, August 1, 2019

Train Them Up Kid's Bible Study Journal

Have you been wanting to help your children grow in their learning of Scripture?

"Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it. " ~Proverbs 22:6

Did you know that when a child writes something down it helps them to retain that knowledge more than they would have by just hearing it?

I wanted to share these Kid's Bible Study Journals today because not only are they cute but they are also highly functional! Here is a description:

"Help your child learn more from their Bible lessons! This journal is great for keeping children engaged in the lesson, whether it is during Sunday school, a Bible study, and even when they are sitting in “big church” listening to the sermon.

Each page is designed to guide children of any age through identifying the main topic, notable Bible references, and application. There is even space provided for doodling and plenty of fun designs to color!"

There are spaces to:

  • write the Bible verse in
  • write the date
  • write in who was teaching (whether you, Dad, or pastor)
  • answer questions about how to apply the word and they learned
  • draw a cute illustration of the sermon/Bible study

Kids Bible Study Journal

Kids Bible Study Journal

Kids Bible Study Journal

They are almost 40% off right now so it is a great time to get them!

You can find them HERE .

Remember, they are only available for a limited time so don't miss it.

I hope they are blessing to you!

UPDATE: Sometimes these journals sell out quickly but you can find something similar HERE.

Note: This post contains affiliate links --thanks for your support!

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