Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winter Fun: Snow Ice Cream

Don't you just love snowy days? We do too---there is something so cozy about being inside while it is snowing that it makes you want to grab a blanket and snuggle with the littles or curl up and read a good book! The kids love to go sledding, make snowmen,  build igloos, and spend a ton of time outdoors having snowball fights too.

So now that many of you have snow I thought I would share with you a super simple recipe that you can make with it that will be tons of fun with the children.

There are only three ingredients so you can't mess it up!

  • 8 cups of fresh clean snow
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk

Place into a bowl and then just stir!

You can add in sprinkles, chocolates chips, caramel syrup and any other favorite topping you'd like.

See how simple it was?

Here are a few more fun things they can do in the snow too.

I hope you enjoy it!

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1 comment:

Christephi said...

We make snow ice cream too! The kids think it's the best ever! Only we use regular milk instead of condensed milk. Here's my method:


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