Friday, August 7, 2015

How to Balance Blogging and Motherhood

I have been a blogger for about 8 years now, almost a decade, and consulting with other bloggers all around the world for about half of those years--and one of the questions that usually always arises is:

 "How do you balance blogging and motherhood?"

There is not a simple answer to that since it will look different to different families. Each home and circumstance is different and I believe it is so important to find what works best for you.

For some it might mean temporarily taking a break and for others it just means an adjustment in their schedule and really just working in flexibility. I know that many women blog to earn side income (we have been blessed to actually earn a full time income blogging which I share about here) and they don't have  a choice of just taking off whenever they want, but they definitely can adjust their schedules to work along side their children.

Here are a few thoughts that might help you in your blogging:

1. We are all in different seasons--know yours! Sometimes blogging moms will look around and get discouraged and wonder why she can't do it all. But it is important to realize the season in your life and to not compare. If you are in the season of a new baby or toddlers your blog is not going to look like the mom who has adult teenagers who are out of the home most of the time.

2.Have a schedule- and then feel free to break it. I do recommend having some kind of routine in the day that can help you along. There are peak times when we write better (for me it is in the morning right when I wake up) and there are times I answer emails (afternoon) and work on business aspects (at night). But I am not afraid to mix it up when I need to and according to my families needs. Also, if I am using an editorial calendar I am not afraid to break away from it either.

3. Don't put pressure on yourself--family more important. The blogging world has changed quite a bit since I first started years ago and it is no long just exclusively "diary blogging" that can keep a blog afloat especially if one is trying to earn from their blog.  Bloggers feel the pressure to constantly churn out helpful material for their readers and then promote it every social network they can. I just want you to know know that you don't always have to do that. It is okay to pull away and just do the basics of blogging (or not blog at all) and not do everything that you think you should be doing just because someone else is.

4. Blog when you have a window--The beauty of blogging is that you can blog when you want to and have the time. There were times when it was easier for me when I could not be at my laptop and would just speak into an app on my phone to take notes on a new post I was working on or just do a whole blog post by speaking it into my phone mic. I really don't prefer to do things that way (I prefer using the keyboard) but when I had a window I took advantage of it.  There's more than one way to skin a cat! Also if you only have one or two days to blog, like the weekend, then use it to write a few posts out and then schedule it for the rest of the week.

5. Keep it all in perspective-after all, it is just blogging - Sometimes as bloggers we can just take things too seriously. Yes, i know that there can be so much to do and there are deadlines and projects and commitments and so forth--but in the end it is just blogging. That's it. And for me, personally, I like to keep that perspective. I don't want to take it all too seriously that it starts to take over my life because I need to protect that space for time with God and my family. If trying to earn an income is what is driving you too hard, remember to be content with what God has provided. He is good and just and provides for what we need.

6. Keep it easy - I mentioned using an app that help make notes on your phone or help you to just blog while away from your computer, there are many other ways and simple tricks to make blogging simpler. Don't feel you always need to sit down and write a two hour post. Blogging is fun and should be enjoyable but I will be honest--it can be hard work. It is important to find ways to cut down the workload and simplify so don't get burnt out. Hiring  a VA and sometimes working with a team can also relieve some of that extra work if you have it in your budget.

If you want to hear more of my helpful thoughts and tips on of how to keep it simpler (or just learn how to earn in income blogging) feel free to contact me about our blog consulting services and I would love to share more!

Remember that in the end the most important thing is your family. If your husband or children need you make sure you step back to take care of their needs. Childhood is fleeting and nothing is more important than the people in your life so be sure to not have any regrets in the end!


What are your tips for balancing blogging?

Feel free to share in the comments below!


Living a Catholic Fairy Tale said...

Thank you for this post! This is exactly what I needed right now, since I'm just starting to blog - but at the same time I have to take care of a toddler and soon another baby. So sometimes I get a little worried, that my blogging might fail or that I might have to stop.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on that!

Lauren English said...

I've wrestled with this a lot, even though we don't have kids yet. It's definitely a struggle to balance family and blogging, but I love your advice to not feel guilty when we choose our families over blogging. That's so important!

Stasia said...

Thank you!!! This was a great encouragement this morning!!!

Melanie Redd said...

Very wise suggestions and insights today, June! I appreciate you sharing these things. It's so easy to lose a healthy perspective in this blogging world, isn't it!

I really like this word: "I don't want to take it all too seriously that it starts to take over my life because I need to protect that space for time with God and my family. If trying to earn an income is what is driving you too hard, remember to be content with what God has provided. He is good and just and provides for what we need."

Appreciate you and your ministry! And, thanks for hosting the weekly link ups.


living from glory to glory said...

I think that blogging has become a race and that makes a woman feel pressured to perform. Then that takes all the joy from that should be something that adds to your life.
I think even if you post once a week or twice a month, the key is to be consistent and go at whatever pace that works. When the time is right and the creativity is flowing write up a few posts and keep them in your Drafts... Also, if the pictures you need or photos become a burden, just use the same one, a pretty flower or anything you enjoy!
Also, it is the connections that you make that are the sweetest part.
Also, as you said Husband and Children and in my case my Grandchildren always come first!
God Bless you and all you do for women that serve Christ in their homes!


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