Thursday, November 14, 2013

Update on My Father in the Phillipines

"Honey, I am fine--was in the middle of the flash flood but the Lord saved us..."

Those were the words in an email that I woke up to at 4am in the morning after endless days of scouring survivor lists until the wee hours of the morning.  After endless prayers were lifted up and many quiet tears held back. After fearful, swirling minds rushing through the worst of "what if's".

Happy words. Living words.

He was safe.

He lost his home. He was mildly hurt from saving others out of danger. But they managed to get out. I am so grateful to God that he is alive and to have another chance at being a better daughter, I think, as I fight back the tears welling my eyes.

So I call and we talk. It is a bad connection. He says they lost it ALL but are safe. They are out of Leyte (the hardest hit region of typhoon Yolanda, one of the strongest typhoons to ever hit in history). They are going to be placed in a hotel for the next month and they will have food. They are going to get things squared away.

Thank you, Father, for saving my dad. Thank you for watching over him. Please continue to keep him safe and use this mightily in his life and the lifes of others. 

And thank you to our amazing community of readers who prayed and inquired about my father. We knew we were not alone in this and we so grateful for our in-real-life, church, and online family. Your love reached across the world and hugged us. We are so grateful for you.

If you are able you may help the people of the Philippines through the devastation of the super typhoon through prayers and donations to Samaritan's Purse or The American Red Cross here.


Unknown said...

This is the BEST news I have heard in some time!!!! I have been praying for him - body and soul.


Judy said...

So happy for you. Praise God

Terri said...

Even though I may never meet you in this life.... I must share this with you... I follow your blog via email... and so enjoy it... When I saw the post about your Dad I immediately sent it to my co-worker here in my office.... WHOSE DAD.. lives in the Phllipines!! .. She too was extremely joyful to hear on Sunday evening that he was alright!! We were both in tears as we stood in the office and read your post and agreed to pray with you AS YOU WAITED FOR WORD ABOUT YOUR FATHER!!! She was over whelmed with joy just now as I shared your amazing news!!!! Praise God !!!!!!!

Anna@stuffedveggies said...

So delighted to hear it - and so happy for you! Thanks be to God! : )

Terri said...

Praise God!!! When I read your post concerning your Dad... I immediately emailed it on to my co-worker who had just heard on Sunday Evening that HER DAD WAS OKAY!!! He was born and raised in the Phillipines and moved back there after retirement here in the USA..... We have been praying for your Dad... and was so very happy to hear that you too have a good report!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I really glad June, I've been thinking a lot about you even though not know me. I spill tears when you said it's an opportunity to be a better daughter. Thank God for saving the life of the father of June.

Raising Mighty Arrows said...

Praise the Lord! So glad to hear that, June. :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God, June! I am so thankful that you have the peace and joy of knowing he is alive!

Bryce and Erin said...

June, I am so thankful to hear this wonderful news!! We rejoice with you that your father is safe. :)

Unknown said...

God bless! Another miracle witbessed

window into our life of love, joy, and adventures! said...

Thanking our Lord for keeping your dad safe!

window into our life of love, joy, and adventures! said...

Thanking our Lord for blessing your family with your Dad's safety!

Blessed Homemaking said...

I am so glad to hear he is okay. Praise the Lord ♥

Barbara said...

Thank you for this update. Yes, many of us are praying for you, even if we didn't leave a blog comment. I praise our Lord for the safety of your father. This is wonderful. May the Lord give you all the peace you need to get through this.

Gina said...

So happy for you to have gotten wonderful news! Will continue to pray for your father.

Kathleen said...

Thank you for updating us, I've been wondering about him since reading your post. So glad to hear your Dad is okay! I have been thinking about and praying for him and all the people of the Philipines. It is so sad what they are going through.... We take SO many things for granted in our lives every day until we are reminded how blessed we really are by seeing such suffering. I hope and pray they get all the help and assistance they need and are able to rebuild their lives. God Bless...

CountryGirl said...

So glad to hear! Have been praying that all would be well. God bless!

Sarah D. said...

Praise the Lord!

Unknown said...

I still haven't heard from my Dad and Step Mom...I am thankful that they have a habit of being slow to respond if you leave a message. And I think they were stateside and then probably went to help the relatives. Anyhow, we still need some prayers for the Philippines and my nerves. Blessings, K

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

We are praying for them and hope they are safe!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that your father is safe! I haven't been online for several days and was so pleased to find out your father is safe!

Anonymous said...

Thank God!! :)


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