Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Personal Update and Last Day for The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Sale!

Friends, it has been a long week here for our family. In case you hadn't been keeping up via Facebook you might not know that two sweet family friends of ours lost their sons this past week and were killed. We are spending our time visiting, going to wakes, and memorial services. It is so sad to see young lives pass so quickly, but I believe the Lord uses all things for His glory and we are praying He will use this in the lives of many. Please continue to keep these families in your prayers.

My pregnancy is going well so far--we got an ultrasound done and got to see the little one swimming around in me. Some of you know that we were concerned from some bleeding early on but it seems to have subsided and now just dealing with the normal morning sickness, hunger, etc. We are thanking God for a normal pregnancy so far!

We also just got back from a vacation that was filled with lots of much needed rest, relaxation, and family time together. We rented a private little cabin out in the middle of God's creation of beautiful scenic nature where we enjoyed my youngest daughter's 11th birthday. They got to swim,go on hiking trails, play games, and so forth.  It was fun and a blessing for the children and glad that we will have cherished memories like this for years to come.

We wanted to thank you all for your prayers, we love our readers and look at you as family! Please keep them coming, you are such a blessing to each and every one of us. We are looking forward to next week when things will become more normal and we can start planning for the holidays ahead.

I also just wanted to share quickly as the weekend begins that The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle ends tonight at 11:59 EST. **Note: This sale is now over!**And finally the Lilla Rose FREE shipping sale ends tonight too.

What a great way to get a jump on holiday shopping!

You can visit the our Lilla Rose website HERE.

(psssst--don't forget the buy-three-get-one-free still applies to new customers who purchase through our website. Coupon will be sent out via mail and limit one per household.)

May the Lord bless your weekend!

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