Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love Your Husband

What things are drawing your heart away from loving your husband?

I mean REALLY loving your husband?

We can be so distracted by the meaningless. Thinking that these things matter but they really don't.

I was created to be my husband's helpmeet, but I need to constantly examine how I am doing in this area.

I need to look at my life through his eyes to see how I am doing.

I want to live a quiet life.

A simple life

and be busy with my hands.

And be busy with that which pleases the Lord.

I want to use my hands to build a home.

I want younger women to know that we can do many good things, many meaningful things--but we must do the FIRST things that God has called us to and that is to be a helpmeet and to love respect our husbands. It is so easy to get off track, myself included. The homeschooling, the children, the house, the list can be endless while our husbands quietly take a back seat out of love for us.
I want to bring him good and not harm all the days of his life.

Lord, help me to do just that.


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Mrs. Stam said...

well said, we need to but our husband first!!!!

Kay K said...

What timing for me to read !!!! I have been upset at my husband this AM ....Maybe I need to sit back and re look at some things thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Thank you - just what I needed to read right now.

Louise Jane x

Anonymous said...

Such a good post!! I posted something similar on my blog yesterday because this time of year gets so crazy its so easy to have our husbands just become roommates or just there to help with the craziness and not your husband.

Michelle Murray said...

I love your blog! Your such an encouragement to me :)

Becky Holmes said...

We're studying this in our bible study right now and it has been such a joy to see the younger women living this out with their husbands. It's a constant reminder we all need!

Mel's Goin' Goin' Gone said...

This is so very true and often something I struggle with. It is also not a popular world view anymore so it's even easier to make excuses to get off track. Thanks for the sweet reminder. Your blog is beautiful.

Jamie Oliver (@va_grown) said...

Thank you for this post. It's something I needed to hear right now.

And thank you for introducing us to the Vision Forum!

Thoughts and prayers for your family this Christmas.

Anonymous said...

What drew me away from my husband was his alcoholism.

I hope you understand why I don't sign my name.

Becoming a Woman of Excellence said...

I enjoy so much reading your blogg, thank you for sharing the truth with us. Blessings Jasmina


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