Saturday, October 2, 2010

HomeBuilders and Ladies Tea Pictures

Many of you know that I recently hosted a Ladies Tea and Bible study at my home for our HomeBuilder's meeting. The topic was Battling Lies and Hardship and I was privileged to co-teach with Mrs. Rhonda Devine. Here are a few pictures of the day:

(All the men and children were outside while we enjoyed the peaceful indoors!)

Mrs. Devine is sharing her notes from the study---

be sure to check them out here.

I will share my notes soon!



Debbie Petras said...

I love teas and everything looks so inviting and beautiful in your photos. But I love the topic you chose to teach on. How needed that is in this day when many are hurting.

Blessings and love,

Far Above Rubies said...

June, I love when you post pictures from your teas and Bible studies. It's inspiring.

So thrilled you became an affiliate of Vision Forum. I love their materials.

Do you mind if ask how you become an affiliate? I would be interested as well.

By the way, I'm hosting a sweet giveaway with a couple of items from Vision Forum. You may already have some of the items listed, but maybe as a gift for a friend.

God bless you,


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Thanks for visiting and yes, it is definitely a topic close to my heart and one that we all tend to battle with.

Have a blessed day building up your sacred home!

Michelle said...


I appreciate the fact that even though you have opened up your blog for advertising, you have preserved the beauty of your blog.

Blogs can become artless and busy once they include advertising. This rather grates upon my artistic side!

I know this seems shallow, and I DO come here for all the meaty articles, but it makes a visual impression upon my mind that stays there and keeps beckoning me back!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea and a beautiful tea! I believe it blesses us as women to use our lovely things and have places and times to celebrate our femininity while turning our hearts to God's word. I hope that many Women's Ministry coordinators take note of your ideas and implement them in their own churches!

custom homes floor plans said...

You have definitely taken my breath away!

Anonymous said...

June, Our family always loves being with yours! You are all a real blessing to our lives!! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to learn and fellowship with one another! Even if I couldn't eat those delish looking chocolate covered strawberries!! Blessings! Tammi

Jackie said...

love this...bless you for your committment..
would you email me. I would like to ask u a question,my email is


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