Friday, October 1, 2010

The Home is a Seminary


The home is a seminary of infinite importance. 

It is important because it is universal, and because the education it bestows gives color to the whole texture of life.  The things said there give bias to character far more than do sermons, lectures, newspapers, and book. 

No other teachers have acknowledged the divine right to instruct children that is granted without challenge to parents. The foundation of our national life is in their hands. They can make it send forth waters bitter or sweet, for the death or the healing of the people. 

The smallest bit of opinion sown in the minds of children in private life later issue forth to the world
and become its public opinions,
for nations are gathered out of nurseries.

-The Golden Gems of Life

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Michelle said...

Sobering thoughts for one who is married to a man who attended seminary for ten years.

Words to think upon, June!

Mrs. Stam said...

Well said:-) love vision forum and what they are doing!

tea time and roses said...

Beautiful words, lovely post. Thank you for sharing. Happy weekend to you and your family.



June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thanks Michelle--I am pondering upon these wise words as well.

Have a blessed day building up your sacred home!

Heather Lynn said...

Thank you very much. After a very rough week in our home, (beginning with the loss of a loved one, followed by turmoil within the home, and ending in me getting the flu and strep at the same time) I needed to read this this morning. I woke up determined to get things and everyone back on track. This is just what I needed. Thank you, and God Bless.


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