Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Clothing of Spiritual Beauty

Dear ladies, I have a question for you....

What are your clothes saying about you?

The type of clothes I am referring to is not something you can purchase at the local mall. It is not trendy and nor is it always comfortable. You cannot find it on the finest racks at Nordstroms or even find it on clearance at any sales. The type of clothing I am referring to is your clothing of spiritual beauty.

The clothing of spiritual beauty is much more beautiful than the cashmere sweaters, the silk dress, the leather skirt, the diamond studded belt---that moth and rust can destroy, for many reasons. Our spiritual clothing is beautiful in the eyes of our Lord for He is the great designer of it---and as others see it, they will see that it is the fruit of God's work in us.

Now our spiritual clothing is exquisite and looks like this:

encourages others
always points to God

Very different from this kind of clothing:

discourages others
always points to self

You can see the garments of spiritual beauty on a woman because it is very evident. Her clothing is in full view for others to see even while it is spiritual. It is seen in her conduct (how she carries herself), in her eyes, in her words and in her works. She possesses something that others do not and carries the spirit of the Lord with her. When I see these attributes in a woman it is hard not to notice. She is a rare gem and treasure that my heart desires to aspire to. I pray the Lord would help me to cultivate this type of fine spiritual clothing, though not to receive approval from man, but to be pleasing in God's sight.

The latter list of apparel is the opposite. It defiles us and steals glory from God. It comes thundering in the spirit of Satan---loud, debaucherous, slanderous, and prideful. It seeks only self-gain and is quite deceptive especially to the person who wears them. It seeks to conquer, kill and destroy--much like the designer who designed it--- and yes, I said DESTROY. Not just destroy those around but the very person who wears the pseudo raiment.

It is important to remember that we are all growing in this process--and praise the Lord for that!

And as a last word....sometimes are we not like trees that look full from afar but when you get up close they are empty? Or maybe we look like bowls of lush, fresh fruit but when you get up close we only find in dismay that is only wax? I am speaking here of authenticity. We can look like we are wearing the spiritual clothing that God has designed for us to our neighbors, on Sunday dressed in our Sunday best, at our women's Bible studies, etc., but are we sadly like the bowl of fruit that when people get closer find that we are not whom we portrayed ourselves to be?????

God's word is the final word on the matter on our authentic spiritual clothing:

"Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12

What will you wear out of your spiritual wardrobe today?

If you need further reading on this topic we recommend Putting on a Gentle & Quiet Spirit: 

Elizabeth George takes readers through a thought–provoking study of Peter’s teachings on handling trials and persecutions, including: suffering for doing good; understanding the mysteries of God; and fanning the flame of faith. The special “heart response” sections offer readers suggestions to help them apply biblical truths to their lives and focus on the amazing glory God promises.

You can find this book HERE.

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Just Me said...


A painful, but necessary, reminder that I'm not dressed in clothing of spiritual beauty. Thank you.

Omah's Helping Hands said...

This is a great reminder. We should all be clothed in the spiritual clothing of God. Beautiful post. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I try to check in at your blog once a week. I want to thank you for always posting encouraging, yet sometimes rebuking articles for ladies. Your words are kind and full of charity, yet they are without compromise. We ladies must encourage one another toward true holiness and I believe you are doing this.

Many thanks and God bless you!

Julieann said...

Very Nice post--I enjoyed it very much.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for the insightful reminder.
Mrs. B

Michelle (She Looketh Well) said...

This hits me hard today as I seem to be wearing a lot of the latter list lately.

I just read Col 3 with the littles yesterday and was inspired greatly by it, but by today, well, not doing so well.

Needing to fall on my face before the Lord yet again, an often occurrence. Thank you for this convicting post.


Patty said...

Beautiful post..thank you for the reminder.

Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

Thank you for this wonderful post! I appreciate your insight and wisdom.

Mary said...

As Kelly Crawford over at Generation Cedar would say: that is godly socialization.

Abounding Treasures said...

Thanks for this *heart-provoking* post ~ an excellent reminder to me of all that the Lord has in mind for me so that I might glorify Him!

Jenny said...

Excellent post! It made me think about if I'm teaching these things to my daughters on a daily basis. Hmm?

I'm going to print the 2 lists out and stick them on the refrigerator as a reminder for all of us to constantly be striving for spiritual beauty.

Thank you!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

These last few posts of yours have really inspired me. I've been in sort of a "rut" and can feel I am letting myself go. You've given me a lovely hand up. thank you.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jenny,

That is a wonderful idea!I usually teach my children at breakfast many of the topics that I write about on my blog--this was definitely one I covered with them last week, as we all needed the reminder. Today I started teaching about the Proverbs 31 in depth--I desire for my girls to really understand all her attributes and my sons to look for wives who are striving toward this and raise daughters who will too.

Many blessings...

Little Woman said...

I must wholeheartedly agree, that when I see a woman clothed in such beauty I long to be better. The example always humbles me. I long to have people look at me and see my Savior..

iheartchocolate said...

humbling and convicting. It is no coincidence I clicked over to you today. Your messages have been sewn in my heart. Thank you.

Leah said...

This is beautiful June but OH SO challenging; thank you for the great reminder that NOTHING is hidden from God...I think I need to throw some old clothes out!!

I LOVE your blog; have been 'lurking' for a while, thought I'd make myself known!

Anonymous said...

I've been checking out your blog for a couple months now and love it. I walk away feeling encouraged to be a better mom, and this latest post just drives that home. So often I dress myself in those characteristics that are not spiritual. I have 4 little ones at home, and all too often I face the chaos of my day with anything but gentleness, patience, etc. I have such a difficult time getting a quiet time with the Lord in the mornings, which I know is so necessary to being patient and kind. I am still getting up during the night to nurse my baby who is 7 months old. Can I ask you how you did? With the lack of sleep, I get grouchy so easily, then feel guilty because of the grouchiness. Your blog is so wonderful though, and helpful. Very inspiring, encouraging, and convicting (which is a good thing). Thanks!

Jills Home Remedies said...

This is wonderful, June! Just absolutely wonderful! May God help me to be clothed with spiritual beauty!

Gege said...

I just LOVE this post! These word are an inspiration! I think we ladies must encourage one other too and you do it in a special way!
God has given you this special gift!
God bless you and your family!

Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

Thank you Miss June. This is a great reminder that my actions show what is inside my heart.

Unknown said...

This post is insightful!

Anonymous said...

I am striving everyday to change my clothing and wear it for the Lord's glory not my own. Thank you for this wonderful post.

Theresa Kuberski said...

Love Love your blog. You have always been an inspiration and motivation through out my days. You've helped me stay focused on the joy and honor of being a mother and wife! Thank You!


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