Monday, August 19, 2024

Titus 2 Time: When Seeking Godly Counselors

Where there is no counsel, the people fall;

But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. 

~Proverbs 11:14

I am currently reading a devotional by Debbi Bryson and she had some wise words on seeking godly counsel that I wanted to share:

"Often when I am in an airport I go to the magazine shop and look at the headlines of all the magazines offering all kinds of advice. I am interested to see what people are reading. I wonder if they really believe everything they read in those magazines. 

It says that when there is no counsel, meaning no godly counsel, the people fall. Woman are falling deep in credit card debt with nothing to show for it. 

Women fall by foolishly deciding to move in with their boyfriends, not know that statistically live-in men are ten times more likely to be unfaithful--and besides, it just wrong. Women fall when they turn to medication to numb the pain of life, instead of turning to the Lord for comfort or grace or help in time of need. 

I have a dear, wise friend named Dotty. Let me share her thoughts. 

She said, 

"In the days we live in, we meed to analyze the people we turn to when seeking advice. 

We need to know who is steeped in the Word of God, 

who walks in maturity, 

who has and shows a deep reverence for the Lord. 

Those are the kinds of people we need to turn to when we are looking for those 'many counselors' to guide us

And we need to ask the Lord to make us that kind of women, 

able to give godly counsel 

to others who are in a quandary."

~Debbi Bryson, The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional

Sweet friend, do you know the Lord and if you are going to heaven? Please read this to be sure.

If you need help learning God's Word be sure to find a good Bible.

We'd  love for you to join our Titus 2 group!

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