Tuesday, January 24, 2023

You Get to Build a Home

"Homemaking is an art, and you have the privilege of expressing and developing all your talents there in a little place called home. 

You get to build...beautify...organize...create...fuss...express yourself.

You get to read and study and grow and master nutrition, finances, horticulture, design, wardrobe, etc. 

And you also get to shape your children, to give their precious lives a bend toward God. To nurture their souls with good things of God. To pass on the truth about Jesus to one more generation. And to do so means you've got to be dedicated, organized, and a woman of purpose. 

And you've got to have the spunk and energy to follow through on all dedication, organization, and purpose that answering God's high calling and homemaking requires. 

Oh, that we would embrace this essential for godly living! That we would own and accept God's high calling to make our house a home. That the "journal" of our life would report that we have not been born in vain--but that we have lived out our high and sacred mission on earth. "

~ an excerpt from A Woman's High Calling  by Elizabeth George

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a great reminder that home is the perfect place to hone and express all of our talents!


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