Monday, September 6, 2021

NEW: Show Me The Father Movie by the Kendrick Brothers

Did you know that the Kendrick brothers just came out with a new movie?

They are known for their popular Christian-based movies such as War Room, Overcomer, Fireproof and Courageous.

And now they've just come out with their first documentary called Show Me The Father which received rave reviews. 

Here is what it's about from their website:

"Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it's always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives...Featuring a variety of amazing true stories, this captivating movie takes audiences of all ages on an inspiring and emotional cinematic journey. Providing a fresh perspective on the roles of fathers in today's society. Show Me The Father invites you to think differently about how you view your earthly father, and how you personally relate to God.

Here is the official trailer:


What people have said:

"Show me the Father is simply a master piece. In a world where fatherlessness is such a destructive force, I am inspired as I watch, listen and learn about ho father can and do make a difference. This movie is a culture share, a game changer. "

"Show Me The Fathers is the film our nation needs to see. We have become a society that devalues and mocks fathers, but God created the role of fatherhood for a very specific purpose. Many of our children feel unwanted and unworthy because half of their identity is absent. Fathers are necessary for the next generation to heal."

"Show Me The Father is captivating from start to finish. It is rich with biblical insights and powerful testimony that will be an encouragement to many. Kudos to the Kendrick brothers for bringing this message to the world!"

It opens in theaters on September 10th. 

Let's get out there and support good Christian movies!

You can get tickets HERE.

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