Monday, October 19, 2020

How Far a Word of Praise Will Go

"Parents do not realize how far a word of praise will go with children. 

Praise is sunshine to a child, and there is no child who does not need it. 

Praise spurs a child on to earnest effort. 

It is the high reward of one's struggle to do right. 

Children should be quick to perform little acts of kindness for their elders. Parents should show their appreciation for these kindly acts or the habit is soon dropped. Many a child, starving for the praise that parents should give, runs off eagerly after the flattery of others.  To withhold praise where it is due is dishonest, and in the case of a child, such a course often leaves a stinging sense of injustice. One may as well think to grow flowers in frost as to think of raising children successfully with rebuke and constant criticism. "

~The Golden Gems of Life

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