Wednesday, January 15, 2020

5 Steps for Being More Productive in Your Day

Are you struggling to get things done?

Yes, I know, it is January and it is all gloomy outside and you are feeling like you have cabin fever and you need to get to all those things you just haven't gotten to because of the holidays.

But you know you need to get to them, some way some how. And you just keep reminding yourself how amazing you feel once you actually get them done! January is actually a great time to get things done since we tend to be a bit more homebound because of the weather. It is a great time to purge, refresh, and start new getting to those things you said you would get done last year!

Recently I had a project hanging over my head I had been meaning to get to all week. I was really dreading it and kind of making excuses to myself of why I couldn't get to it. But one day I just woke up and did it. And I couldn't believe how quickly I got it done and just how great everything looked afterwards! Not only that but I got it done in just under 10 minutes. I couldn't believe how fast it all went and why I didn't get to it sooner.

Some of your homes might even look like this (especially if you have children):

(photo added for attention--this is not my home)

If that is the case--take a deep breath and keep reading!

I just really wanted to encourage you all out there to have a  just "get-her done" mentality and use the time the Lord has given you to be as productive as you can each day. After all--time is a gift and we need to be good stewards of it and with all that He has given us.

Here is a quick list to help you in all areas whether it be your home, work-related, your homeschool or just even setting goals:

1. Take Time - sometimes we want to get a lot of things done but we don't allow time in our day to do them. We make plans all week long but might neglect to also remember that we need time to do the real things that need to get done. Be sure that you are allowing enough time each day for the important things and little things that need attention.

2. Look Closely at Your Schedule - Is there anything that is not important that you can drop? Can you say "no" to a few things to get to the more important things? Scrutinize how you use your time to make sure you are not squandering it. Ask yourself how you can better use your time to accomplish your goals.

3. Plan & Pray - get what you need to do on a list or planner somewhere --even if it is on your phone! If you have trouble doing big projects at one time, try do things in 15 minute increments and over time you will get more done (that is a little FlyLady trick I learned as a young momma). It is amazing what you can do in such a short time. Give it a try and see! Not only will you start seeing results but you will also be inspired to do more. Pray and ask God for wisdom and help as plan and go about your day.

4. Don't Give Up...or Procrastinate. Try having a positive attitude when you plan to get things done. For example it is better to think, "Today I am tackling this mountain of laundry and getting it all put away." instead of going into it like, "I am never going to get this laundry done, I am so overwhelmed."

And if you tend to procrastinate, you need to just bite the bullet and tackle that project head on! Remind yourself that YOU are in control and set a timer and get to work! Get all distractions out of your way, turn off your phone, and get determined to do that one thing that you've been needing to do (and is probably driving you crazy) this past month.

5. Get some outside help - There is nothing wrong with getting some help from the outside whether from a family member, friend, or books and planners.  I love when I get my hands on a good book that helps me manage my day better and inspires me!

If you are looking for further reading and encouragement in this area be sure to check out Tim Challies book, Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity.

I hope this post has been a blessing to you!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Please share your tips in the comments!

Note: This post contains affiliate links-- thanks for your support!

1 comment:

Keeping The Tie That Binds said...

I love this! That book looks awesome! I am for anything to help me be a more productive person. I had to laugh when you put in the comment, "this is not my house". Sadly, I think my play room has looked like this many times before, lol.


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