Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How to Declutter Your Home After Christmas

Do you take down all your Christmas decor the day after Christmas or do you wait awhile before taking it down?

I have done the both, but this this year we will be turning the tree into a New Year Tree (we left all the gold on it) and it turned out fabulous. I loved it and so did the kids. It allowed us to keep it up longer and enjoy the beautiful lights. 

But I know that it will need to go down soon so with that on my mind, I thought I would share a few tips that might help you get inspired to reclaim your space for the New Year and get your space back to normal again. 

I hope they are a blessing to you!

Let's begin!

1. Put away the Christmas decor - I prefer starting fresh for the new year so I take my tree down pretty much a day or two after Christmas. Sometimes my husband might talk me into leaving it up just a few days longer but not too much afterwards. Either way it has to all come down eventually and when it does it helps when you have the right tools to get started.

Some things you might find useful doing the declutter in an organized way are:

Tree bag or box:

You can find it HERE.

These are great because they protect your tree and keep it from getting dusty!

Ornament box:

You can find it HERE.

Or this larger one HERE.

The ones with the dividers are my favorite because they make good use of the space while protecting your treasured family ornaments.

Christmas light box and wrapper/reel:

When you wrap your lights around a reel or board it helps them not get tangled--and we all know what a nuisance tangled lights are!

You can find it HERE.

Gift Wrap Organizer

This gift wrap organizer helps to keep all your wrapping paper in one place. I have something similar but it is an upright plastic container.

And this bigger organizer pictured above even has a place for bows, ribbon, tape, and bags or boxes!

Bubble Wrap:

This is good for wrapping delicate Christmas decorations that you don't want damaged while stored. 

You can find it HERE.

Christmas bins/tubs:

I like these green and red bins because they are easy to find and everyone knows they are for Christmas storage only!

You can find these HERE.

2. Find a home for everything new - "A place for everything and everything in it's place".  Some families like to replace something old with what is new. This helps them not to become overwhelmed with too many material "things" which can take up precious space and time.

3. Organize closets and rooms - if it is not already organized, now is a great time to do it! Tackle those closets--you won't regret it later. I like to use storage bins and label them for better efficiency.

You can find bins HERE.

4. Delegate and dispatch teams - if you have older children make sure they help you. You don't need to do everything by yourself.

5. Declutter and toss - get rid of old or broken toys if they don't play with them anymore and pass it on to someone who will or donate it. I try to be a little ruthless here, I always find that less is more and always appreciate the gained space later. I also tend to want to sometimes do a deep clean as well.

6. Simplify - Start the new season FRESH--I always like to keep the decorating simple and easy. Maybe a flower vase here or there but mostly just try to go for clean and spacious--if that's possible with nine kids!

What else would you add?

Well, I'm off to go tackle the house--enjoy your Christmas break!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Cheryl said...

Oh, my! We are just the opposite at our house! LOL! We love Christmas so much, and we make it last as long as possible, sometimes leaving our tree out to enjoy the lights until mid-January or so. We are minimalists, so have scaled way back on our decorating. Just our tree mainly and some porch lights, so it is easy to put it all away when we are ready. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Mama to 12, so far said...

I agree with you! I also like that red wrapping paper station that can be zipped up and put away! So smart. Glad you shared it! Thanks.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Christi,

Yes, everything has a home and in it's place! Thanks for stopping by and hope you visit soon again!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Cheryl,

Yes, love the minimalism idea too, we seem to put out less stuff every year and I love it. Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am the kind that wants Christmas down right after Christmas. I love my Christmas decorating, but prefer to enjoy it ahead of time. Then I want to get cozy winter decor up.


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