Monday, February 13, 2017

10 Tips to Keep the Love in Your Marriage Strong from a Titus 2 Woman

Recently a Titus 2 woman shared some great tips on how to keep the love in your marriage. She even specified some tips on how to have a God-honoring marriage, so I thought I would share some of it with you since it is the day before Valentine's Day and we have our spouses on our mind!

Here they are:

1. Be sure to practice the "leaving and cleaving" mentioned in the Bible and make sure your home is a priority.

2. Study submission and ways to be respectful towards your husband. A book I recommend is The Excellent Wife. 

3. Pray with your spouse regularly (but don't become legalistic about it). Also pray for him and your marriage too!

4. Learn the best ways to communicate biblically with your husband and don't allow for conflicts to build. Don't let the little foxes spoil the vine. Know what things matter and what things don't. For example: If you husband leaves his socks on the floor, it is okay and you do not need to wage a full out war over it. Forgive him, serve him, and be thankful for him!

5.  Plan time with your spouse, whether it is special time alone or date nights out. If you can't get out just try to get some time having some one-on-one conversation with him alone.

6. Show each other physical affection by holding hands, arm wrapped around, etc. and make time for physical intimacy.

7. Share your day with one another, be interested in each other's world and know what they are going through (put him before the kids--yes, I know it is hard, but you can do it!)

8. Have goals as a couple on how to honor God in your marriage.

9. Have a Bible in different rooms in your home to remind your of how you both desire to follow God's Word in your marriage. Be sure to read it too!

10. Some couples like to work through a godly Christian book together (but some don't and that's okay too!).


Don't compare--I can't emphasize this enough. Do not compare your husband to other husbands. Or your relationship with other relationships. God made you and your husband unique and your relationship will be too. Expectations while comparing to others can be a bad thing.  You probably wouldn't like it if you husband did that to you so be sure to protect your marriage with a controlled thought life.

I recently shared this quote on my Facebook page:

"Fill your mind with God's Word and you will have no room for Satan's lies."

This goes for your marriage too. Protect yourself, your husband, and your marriage by having control over what you are thinking. Satan would love to get a foothold in your marriage so don't open the door and let him in.

Deadbolt it and keep him out for good!

How do *you* keep the love in your marriage strong?

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A Narrow-Minded Woman said...

Oh this is wonderful!!!

I love that quote, "Fill your mind with God's Word and you will have no room for Satan's lies." SOOOO GOOD!!!

I had to laugh a bit with #4 and you referencing socks. This seems to be something in every marriage...those socks. LOL A year or so ago, I had to stop one morning, once again picking up something that had been left in the living room that should have been put away. I thought, I can let this bug me and cause issue or I can figure out something else I can replace these thoughts of annoyance with. I decided that everytime I have to put away something that he should have put away, I would use that item to remind me to pray for him in some way that that item represented. So, if it was his socks or shoes, I pray that God will guide his steps, protect him where he goes, and be a light unto his path. If it is his belt, I pray that God will surround Him with people that will guide and encourage him and that he will fasten the belt of truth. Whatever I end up having to move or put away, I try to find some way to pray for him. I am not perfect at this but it does cause me to stop in my annoyance, humbles me, and reminds me of the honor and privileged I have to pray for my wonderful husband.

Elena Marshall said...

This is so good and encouraging!!!


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