Wednesday, October 26, 2016

4 Mistakes You Might Be Making as a Blogger

Sometimes as a blogger you might be blogging along and not realize that you are making mistakes that could hinder you as a blogger. We have been blogging for over a decade and own multiple blogs so we have made those mistakes along the way and know there are certain things to watch out for.

Today we are going to discuss four of them:

1. Thinking what you say doesn't count. This is a common misconception that many bloggers go through. New bloggers feel they are just a tiny voice in the online sea of giants. Veteran bloggers feel like they have said it all and that others have shared the same information ten times better than they have. Don't get into negative thinking--people want to hear from you and your voice! They want your opinion so be sure to share it with them.

2. Thinking you don't need to show up. If you are serious about earning income online it is important to show consistency. You don't need to blog five times a day but you should definitely show up. If people don't know if you are blogging from one week to another why should they show up? The key is consistency---there are many professional bloggers that say at least 3 times a week. Do what you can if you can't do that at first and try to build up your posting schedule.

3. Getting burned-out and not taking a break. So now you are on a role but now all you do is blog, blog, blog. You are burnt out and not sure what to do because you know it is important to keep blogging.

But the truth is you just need to take a break. Go out and get some sun, go for a walk, visit an antique store, go to the beach. Watch a movie and enjoy some popcorn. Do what you need to go to get your inspiration to write back. If you are not inspired, your readers won't be either.

You might be interested in joining a blogging network, mastermind group, Facebook group of bloggers to get inspiration and encouragement, or maybe even some one-on-one help and mentoring.

Either way, remember that you can do this and not to give up!

4. Not investing in  learning and keep up with new changes. The internet is always changing. There are new strategies, new algorithms, and new rules that come out. What was popular yesterday can be old news today. In blogging are always continually learning and being challenged. This sounds overwhelming and sometimes hard to do on your own but, trust me, there is help!

For example, right now for the first time ever The Genius Blogger's Toolkit just became available as of TODAY. It has all kinds of goodness to teach you what you need to know.

Topics include:

  • Professional Blogging
  • Time Management & Productivity
  • Social Media
  • Product Creation
  • Tech Help
  • Photography & Images
  • Blog Growth
  • Content Creation
  • Monetizing

and much, much more.

But to really take advantage of all the wisdom here, you really need to see all of it for yourself-- you can view everything that is included in The Genius Blogger's Toolkit HERE.

I hope it is a blessing to you!

1 comment:

sue donaldson said...

great reminders - thanks, june. it can get discouraging!


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