Monday, August 15, 2016

The Special Ingredients in a Christian Home

We are kicking off the first day of going through The Most Important Place on Earth. I am so excited about this because we all need to refocus sometimes.

I know that I definitely do.

Sometimes it is so easy to get off track, do what we want, forget the Lord, and live how we please.

And fill our lives with comfort and pleasure.

But we want to live differently for Him. So that our families might know Him. 

That they would remember something was different while they were being raised there.

That they would sense the aroma of Christ seeping from every corner.

And from each loving parent.

But just what makes a Christian home different?

According to his book Mr.  Wolgemuth states:

“In a Christian home, there is something special. It is called grace. “

In the messiness of our lives we get to experience grace.

Grace in the morning.

Grace when the children are going crazy.

Grace when mama is stressed.

Grace when daddy comes home exhausted from work.

Grace when we least expect it.

Grace when we don’t deserve it.

Grace when things get tough.

Grace when there is more month than money.

Grace when we want to give up.

Grace when we persevere.

Grace when we lay our weary heads on the pillow at the end of the day.

Grace when we wake up in the morning.

What a gift---such a gift that grace is.

He also states:

“In a grace-filled Christian home there is salvation.  There is forgiveness. There is hope. Genuine happiness. There is purpose there.  Power there--- for the parents as well as for the children."

Will we sow these seeds for our children?

There are no formulas to follow or a mandatory to-do list.

Just love.

Amazing love.

I don’t know about you, but I want my home to be filled with this love.

 “You only get once chance at this home-building deal, and time is not on your side—but my message is not shame and blame. It is instead urgency, focus, purposefulness, intentionality, and care."

I want you to let that let sink in and digest this for the next few days as we will be talking about this more in our next post.

It is definitely something to pray about because time is not stopping for any of us.

Not for you.

Nor for me.

So let us pray intently about that.

And until then, here are a few things you should know:

  • I found that in the back of the book there is a Questions section (for discussion and application). This is great because it helps you to narrow down the chapter, ask yourself the hard questions, and stay focused! You can even do these questions on your own or with a friend or a group from your church. It is not too late to get the book----as I mentioned before, the book is also on sale right now for 41% off at Amazon (don't you love God's timing?) so be sure to get your copy today and join us!

*This post contains affiliate links---thanks for your support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would do anything to start over with my kids and family. One daughter is 22 and my other is 17. I have regrets and need God's grace in a different way. My daughters and I need Jesus. It's never too late ... but I need a different resource of hope.


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