Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Love Story on Infertility and Adoption {Video}

When God writes the story of your life, you know that you can trust Him.

When the struggle of infertility is there, it can be hard to trust God through it all but God's ways are not always our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts.

If you are struggling with infertility and you are thinking about adoption, here is a wonderful love story that I hope will encourage you.

(Be sure to grab a tissue--tears were flowing when I first watched this!)

If you are currently going down the path of infertility right now, know that we are praying for you. It can be so difficult to not know what God's plan is or having the patience to wait and also painful. Trust God at this time and do not give up on Him!

 Also,  if any one knows of an adoption agency you'd like to recommend
 please feel free to share below in the comments.


Lisa said...

We adopted two of our children from the foster care system.

Unknown said...

Thank you Lord for you unending love!! I'm happily adopted out of foster care system at age 2. And my handsome son was adopted at birth!! Your posts are always wonderful but this one hit my heart ❤!!!

Thankful for Grace said...

I have 2 children, but having only 2 was never my choice. After child #2, my womb was mysteriously closed by the Lord. Despite the fact that I had easily conceived before, I was unable to conceive again. I begged and pleaded with God for more babies, but his answer was no. For 17 long years (1993-2010), I cried daily, as I begged for more children. In 2010, with my 50th birthday looming on the horizon, by God's grace, I was able to let the desire go. Also, in 2010, we had an adoption fall through. Obviously 2 children was all God planned for me.

I have peace about that now, and I look forward to the day of grandchildren.

The pain of secondary infertility is enormous, and it is often compounded by the insensitive remarks and lack of understanding from others.

If any ladies find themselves in the place of secondary infertility, I would love to be an encouraging and understanding voice to you as you walk that painful road.

Patti @ Embracing Home

Robyne said...

We adopted from the Christian Salvation Service in Taiwan. They adopt to practicing Christians.

Mrs. U said...

Our family has been blessed with our two girls through adoption. We used CCAI (Chinese Children Adoption International) and Covenant Care Services. Both were wonderful to work with.

Mrs U


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