Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Don't Miss It ---Lovely Lilla Rose 48 Hour Sale! It's Just Soooooo Pretty!

Valentine's Day must be around the corner because  love is definitely in the air!
So we want to spread the love with you by announcing this exciting sale from Lilla Rose:

Yes, there is 10% off early February releases of the NEW flexi of the month and bobby pins:

And if you order over $50 you get a free set of these Vintage Heart upins:

Here are the bobby pins up close--they come in silver and gold!

They are so cute!


If you buy three you can get one FREE! To qualify you must be a first time customer and purchase through our website (June Fuentes). Just place your order of three items and email me at lrwisewomanbuilds@gmail.com and I will personally send out your free coupon! 
 Easy peasy!

Limit one per household while supplies last. 

If you need help finding the right size flexi-clip, here is a video that will help.

Remember this sale ends tomorrow, but you can get these now at our website HERE!

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