Sunday, January 31, 2016

Discipleship in the Home

" A wise son makes a glad father, 
but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother."

Proverbs 10:1

There are so many distractions for parents today that it is easy to put off important things like discipling your children in the home. Even the parents with the most ardent desire to teach their children still find it a challenge to truly disciple their children in the way they'd like.

I know that sometimes for most families it is hard to be consistent. Sometimes you might be feeling off track and that it is hard to find your way back. To do the things you know you should be doing with your kids but maybe too tired or busy to do so.

We all find ourselves in that boat sometimes and that is why it is so important to get back on track when we can. It is even more of a blessing when you hear something that encourages you to do so.

My husband and I were recently able to hear a sermon that did just that. I hope you will find it encouraging too!

There is a devotional book mentioned in this sermon that we ended up getting that my husband has been using with the younger children. It is called "Sticky Situations" and has been going over well with the children. Here is a description of it:

"Sticky Situations is a devotional book for families with children ages 8 to 12 that offers short readings for each day of the year. Each reading begins with a kid who is facing a moral dilemma and ends with multiple-choice solutions for the family to discuss. Often there is more than one acceptable course of action to take. Parents will find tips in the back of the book that interpret the various choices made by the children and offer follow-up questions for further discussion on each topic. Scripture references are provided to give biblical insight into each situation. Sticky Situations is a great discussion starter that will give parents the chance to share their own values with their children."

You can find it here. And don't let the cover fool you, it is a very helpful tool!

It has been enjoyable so far and doesn't much time to do it and the children like it too!

Remember, no matter what tools you use--he best thing for you children is love, time, patience, God's Word and your unwavering example!


Note: This post contains affiliate links.


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Mrs. June,

Thank you for sharing this. I watched all of it up until 35:07 it wouldn't play after that for me. But I made a ton of notes. I would love to know of other great videos like this if you would share them with me I would be delighted. Thank you.

Patricia Gibbons said...

Amen and Amen. I discipled mine when they were younger, now 16 and 20. I can just about get the 16 year old to listen now. I pray they will both find their way home to the Lord. Woo xx

Tammy said...

We have Sticky Situations, too!
I was looking for something to supplement our nightly Bible story and Awana verse study and this is what I chose. We love it.

Our Bible story comes from The Children's Illustrated Bible. It's compact (small print) and not for very littles, but my 7 year old loves it, and I can explain things in it at his level. It has over 100 stories from the Old and New Testaments, not just the usual mix in others. Highly recommnend, if you want to look into it to promote. :)


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