Monday, October 19, 2015

Teach Us to Order Our Days

So teach us to number our days, 
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

~Psalm 90-12

I am all for a heart of gaining wisdom. When I was young I remember thinking that I was going to live forever so I wasted time. Now as a mom of nine I am more careful about how I use my time and definitely more responsible!

I know that time is a gift from God and I want to make sure that I am glorifying Him as I use it. I don't want to be found wasting this precious commodity especially since it is something that you cannot get back.

So ordering our days just naturally makes sense. Here are some of my thoughts on it:

  • There are so many choices - We have so many choices than our grandparents did back in the day. We could literally squander away a whole day online if we chose to so we need to make wise choices. What will our day look like and how will we spend it? 

  • Choose to be wise with your time - We want to be more efficient with the time that God has given us. We waste time like there is no tomorrow when really the clock is ticking for all of us. Tomorrow is not promised to us. We need to do away with just running around doing "busy" things and get laser focused about what really matters. Time with God ranks top on the list. We need to fill up on His Word to be better able to out pour ourselves to others and make a greater impact. 

  • Be efficient- - If the above is true, and the clock is ticking for all of us, what will we invest our time in? Will we be frivolous and use it on countless of hours on this that won't matter or are we focusing in on what is eternal? I have been thinking about that a lot lately and it is changing the way I do everything. Especially time with my kids. I don't want to waste time with them but I want to make sure that I am spending purposeful time discipling them, pouring into their lives and leading them to Christ. 

  • But not at the expense of relationships - What I am not talking about here is making ten lists per day and ignoring your family while you "get it all done". There are so many good things that we could be doing but think ask yourself the question--"What will matter in 20 years?". Look closely at your life and ask yourself about the things you are stressing over---will it matter twenty years down the line? The activities you are involved in, will those matter? How about how you spend the bulk of your time right now? 

  • Busy with our hands and not idle - Since time is precious we need to be busy with our hands and not idle. It is important to take care of your husband, your children, your home and use it also for ministering to others. God tells us to live a quiet life and to work with our hands. 

  • Use it for God's glory - The most important thing to remember is to use time for God's glory. In all that we do we are His ambassadors. We represent Him. We are His hands and His feet. We bring Him praise through sacrifice-- through a life that dies to self for others. 

May we bring Him glory all the days of our lives and have a heart of wisdom to know how. 

What ways has God been working on you with time?

Please share them in the comments below!


ladypinktulip said...

Thank you for this great post. I need that reminding today. Even doing good things online keeps me from the goals I have in my home. Thank you <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. I ran across it on a Pinterest pin. It is a timely reminder to use our gift of time wisely. It is a gift. Thank you also for the encouragement. Sometimes I wonder there are so few of us.

Anonymous said...

Great post, thank you for the reminder 🩷

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Ladies,

Thank you for your lovely comments, I am so glad you stopped by and hope you are able to visit us again soon!


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