Monday, July 13, 2015

Mothers, Train Them in the Way They Will Go

We all know that motherhood isn't easy, but there is nothing more worthy of our time than to raise children for the Lord. We may do it imperfectly at times, falling off the path, stumbling, trying to find our way-- but we need to be steadfast and not give up. 

I hope this poem encourages you today as a mom:

Train Them in The Way They Will Go

Children are a gift
From our Lord Jesus Christ
And they need all the love,
We can give them all their lives

They also need some boundaries,
We set for them to grow
That will keep them all safe
And will teach them to know

What values that we have
And what's right in the Lord
To raise them Heavenward
Is a task we've all been called

As parents from the Lord,
We need to raise our young
To always trust in God
And to believe upon His Son

To always walk with Him
Until their days are through
To know the plan He has
And what God has called them to

For we will always reap
The amount that we have sowed,
So we must train them now
In the way that they will go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such an encouraging poem! I really enjoyed reading it, thank you so much for sharing it.


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