Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lilla Rose 24 HOUR SALE: Up to 60% Off!

We've got some exciting news for you!

Lilla Rose is having an awesome 24 HOUR SPRING SALE right now!

And it's no April's Fool joke either! 

We wouldn't kid about something so exciting!

This timely Spring sale includes:
  • You can save 60% on all headbands
  • 40% off Bobby pin packs (3 sets of 2)
  • and 10% off newly released items, April's flexi of the month(pictured below) and ALL bobby pins! 

FYI--If you are interested in doing a Lilla Rose online party with your friends just contact me at or join our team here.

Wise Woman Hot Tip!

You can buy three and get one free right now if you are a new customer to Lilla Rose. Just place your order and then contact me at the email above and we will send out your free coupon! (a $16 value and limit one per household.)

This sale ends at midnight so don't miss it! :)

You can find this great deal at Lilla Rose



HandmaidforHim (Dawn Gray) said...

I am interested in discussing Lilla Rose with you. Would you please contact me at wildwood 2010 @ yahoo . com. Thank you,
Dawn Gray

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Dawn,

Thank you for contacting us about your interest in Lilla Rose. I just sent out an email and am looking forward to hearing from you!

Have a blessed day,

Mrs. June Fuentes


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