Friday, February 13, 2015

Quiet Time Reading - Beautiful Letter to Future Daughter in Law, Bratz Doll Redo, Sermons & Tight Budgets

We will be posting our Quiet Time Reading Links with articles around the web to sharpen, encourage and bless you!

What I did this week--I spent all yesterday painting around the house--I am lucky to have so many helpers since there is lots to get done. I am starting spring cleaning around here early since everything has been in limbo since we had thought we were moving (the Lord had different plans for us). While we are here I am going to clean, paint, and decorate! There is also something big brewing around here but I will share more later!

To the Woman Who is Soon to Marry My Son: Tonya wrote a beautiful letter to her future daughter-in-law that you must read.  It is a heart warming glimpse in the heart of a mom and her welcoming wishes, wise advice, and blessings to her and her son.

Oversexualization of Doll for Daughters and What One Mom Did - One mom took the time to do a makeover old Bratz dolls and did something lovely with them. Watch the video here:

Gen3 Conference: If there was a conference I could attend this year it would have been this one. I am a big fan of Voddie Baucham and Paul Washer and so glad to see that the sessions are available online on this site. You can  also find Voddie also  at Founders week speaking on homosexuality and marriage too. It is good--so good that you should watch this one first! (Warning: He will have you in stitches!)

Dear Mom Who is So Tired of Living on a Tight Budget - If this is you and you need some perspective in this area, then go on over and be encouraged! It is never easy being on a budget but I like what Spurgeon has to say about contentment:

 “I have heard of some good old woman in a cottage, who had nothing but a piece of bread and a little water. Lifting up her hands, she said as a blessing, ‘What! All this, and Christ too?’”



Kelly-Anne said...

How I love that blessed quote - what a wonderful reminder... Have a lovely weekend and blessings to you!

Sarah said...

My brother sent me the video of the doll redo's and I've watched it several times already. I just love it.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Kelly-Anne,

Yes, I love it too. Thanks for stopping by and hope you had a lovely weekend as well!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Sarah,

i think it is a great idea and great to see the girls love it too!

Many blessings...


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