Monday, February 23, 2015

The Nursing Mom's Prayer

My little, precious Bella is now 9 1/2 months old. The time has flown since she was born and she is now crawling, holding onto furniture, and making her way all around the room. It has been such a delight to watch her grow and in some ways I am sad this special time has gone so fast, but also glad that I could spend and relish every single moment with her.

Now I usually always nurse my babies. Some I have nursed until they were two but the standard is to always try to make it about a year. There are so many good health benefits that come from nursing that when I did the research early on I  was determined that we would try to nurse our children as much as we could.

There was an exception though--when I had twins. I had gotten very ill and had to be hospitalized for about two weeks and my doctor recommended that I discontinue in order to get better. The twins were about 4 months then and that is the first time we really did formula with any of our children.

It has been so wonderful to be nursing again in my 40's. What a joy it is to help sustain life and give your baby something so healthy and nourishing at the same time!

Today I wanted to share with you something I would do while I was awake during the wee hours of the night nursing little tiny ones. It is my Nursing Mom's Prayer.

I know that it is so easy to stay up and complain--"Why won't he/she go to sleep", "I'm not getting enough sleep.", "Why can't my husband just help?" and "This is so hard I just can't take it anymore."

But instead of being negative we can use take our thoughts captive and use that time in a more godly way. If there is anything we need to do more it should be to pray for our children and if possible start while they are young, even in the womb.  The Lord hears every whispered prayer from moms even in the still of the night so be encouraged and let's get praying!

The Nursing Mom's Prayer

I personally like to take the time to pray over a child starting from head to toe.  I also like to lay lands over the baby while I am praying like over her head as I pray for her mind.  My prayer goes something like this:

Dear Lord, 

Thank you so much for this precious child and gift that you have given our family. Help me and my husband to raise this child for your glory. Please give us the wisdom that we need to do this your way and not ours. Help us always to seek your face in this journey of parenting. I pray for my child that you would help them to:

HEAD AND MIND - I pray that she would love you with all their mind, heart, and soul. Please let her thoughts be fixed on you and not on the things of this world. Help her to have the helmet of salvation and protect her thoughts throughout her life. May she make up her mind early to follow you and you alone. 

EYES - May You turn her eyes away from evil and all that the world will tempt her with and set her gaze upon your holiness, Your return, and how she can serve You until you come. 

EARS - May she always turn her ears away from all  evil and instead "hear" what Your word says and obey.

MOUTH - May she speak no evil and instead boldly and courageously spread the Gospel to the lost. May the law of kindness be on her tongue and may she encourage and edify those around her and she represents you to a lost world.

HANDSI pray that she would have hands and arms that are strong for her task and that she would use them to to help the poor and needy. That she would also use her hands to pray show love of Christ to her neighbors and not be idle.

HEART - I pray that my child would have an undivided heart for you and that it would be kept pure and give their heart totally over to you. I pray that she would be a man/woman after God's own heart when they she is young and as she grows older. 

WOMB - I pray that she would be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with your disciples.

KNEES - I pray that she would be a women on her knees always seeking your face in prayer. 

LEGS AND FEET May she have feet of peace, following on the paths of righteousness--not turning to the left or right but staying on the straight paths and always turning form the path of evil.

 Please guard and guide her all the days of her life, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

As you can see you can keep it as simple or make it as long as you like. I purposely kept it short and sweet this time around just so you could get an idea of what you could pray. I will try to post a longer version later. Don't forget that you can adjust the poem for your sons too. Please feel free to print this version using the print button below if you'd like.

As always, just keep in mind that it doesn't have to be complicated. You could also say a very simple prayer if you'd like. Remember that God always hears our prayers and that they are not done in vain.

Blessings to you, dear mother, as you pray for your children's lives before the Lord!

"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." ~ Matthew 6:5-8

"I remember my mother's prayers
 and they have always followed me. 
They have clung to me all my life". 
~Abraham Lincoln

Recommended Resources:

True Christian Motherhood
How to Build a Strong Christian Home
The Way Home


Anonymous said...

My first child (now 23), I didn't nurse. My second (now age 11),nursed till 15 months, third (now age 5), nursed till 2-1/2 years and now I am pregnant at 41 (praying to nurse this one as well). :) Michelle

Anonymous said...

While I nursed all my children, I nursed my youngest the longest...almost 3 years. I believe partly because I felt I had more time when she was born. Although I wanted a house full of children, I was only blessed with three. There is such a large age gap between my children, when I finally had my 3rd child, I was older and at a different season in my life.

Kimberly D said...

Thank you for sharing your prayer. I am, as I type, nursing our almost four month old. He is our sixth child. I am enjoying nursing him more than ever.

Akoth Mercy said...

Would love to be blessed with children when I get married. I love children

Anonymous said...

I too love children.i have two and am nursing my babe who is 16 looking forward to having more gift of children from God

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful prayers. I'm a mother of one and still trusting God for more of His Heritages.
I'm nursing my child by the strength which God has given me and I'm really enjoying it. I love being amidst children.
God bless you for sharing this.

Stella said...

I love the prayers. Thanks for sharing.

Stella said...

I love the prayers, thanks for sharing.

Stella said...

Thanks for the prayers, they are excellent.


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